"Don’t worry." I whisper as I hear the door on the other side open. I stand tall and shove Lia behind me. She’s so frail now; I’m sure even one hit will be enough to do serious damage to her. I’m not going to just sit back and let someone hurt her. The door opens all the way, and I watch as a hefty man walks down the stairs. Just by the way he carries himself, I’m sure that it’s not fat under his three-piece suit but muscle. There’s no way I’m going to be able to take him down, not even with the other girls in here helping me.

"I see you’ve finally woken up."

"You must be Fisher." I snarl at him.

"Indeed I am, but you’ll be smart to wait for me to ask you a question before you speak to me." He glares at me, and my mouth drops open. Is he serious?

"I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to do." I take a step forward, and I watch him lift his hand; in it is something shaped like a gun but with yellow tips. I’m not sure what it is, but before I can take another step in his direction, he fires a shot, and two small metal prongs attach themselves to my body.

From there, I go to the ground hard, and excessive volts of electricity slam through my body. I can hear everything around me, but the pain is so intense that I can’t comprehend anything. All I want is for it to stop.

"We're going to try this again." I feel the two prongs being ripped from my body, and I lay there twitching on the ground, trying to breathe.

"You made a little mess at my party earlier; you put me behind schedule. That’s not something I abide. You’re going to have to make it up somehow." Fisher shrugs and focuses his attention on the other girls in the room.

"That is, unless any of you would like to take her place for the night."

Lia steps forward. "She doesn’t belong here. She’s not even a stripper. Don’t hurt her."

Tears burn the corners of my eyes as I hear both her and Max trying to stand up for me. They are trying to defend me. These are the same people others were so ready to give up on.

I struggle to get up on my feet. "No one is going to take my place. You're not going to touch me. You think you've got all the cards right now, but I promise you something much worse than you is coming."

Fisher stares at me for a second before he breaks out in laughter. "Oh yes, I heard about your little motorcycle club. They picked up my man Santi. They'll never find me, though. Not even Santi knows where I am. Just so you know, little girl, you're not the only one with friends in high places. You might want to take care who you are threatening. Now get yourself together. I'll be down shortly to bring you to my guests." Fisher turns on his heel and walks back out of the room the same way he came in. I hear the door lock behind him, and I nearly collapse in agony. Max and Lia are there to catch me.

"Girl, what's the matter with you? Do you have a death wish or something? Fisher means business."

"So does Lash," I whisper.

"Who's that? One of those Chrome Creed bikers? You really think they're going to risk their necks for a bunch of strippers and prostitutes?" Max shakes her head.

"Yes, I do."

"Well, they're going to have a hard time getting through." Lia shrugs.

I know what they're thinking. This is a fight we're not supposed to win, a fight that everyone believes will end with us either dead or worse. Not me. I know Lash's determination. I'm not worried. In fact, I'm looking forward to my dark knight coming through those doors to rescue me. I'd bet my life on it, and based on what Max and Lia are telling me, it just might come to that.



"Fuck!" I roar in agony while I shove my hands into my hair and tug hard.

The second I realize that I couldn't get Sienna on the phone, I tried to race out of the clubhouse. Leo is the one who stopped me. I was covered in blood with crazed eyes. "He, along with Spike, Tella, and a few of the prospects, are with me now."

"Lash, you need to calm down." Leo tries to grab hold of me, trying to stop me from pacing like an animal in Sienna's living room. The door was open, and her things were thrown all over the place. It's clear that Santi was telling the truth. Fisher was already here to take her. I missed it.

"Calm down? He took my fucking woman." I shout at my president. Any other time, I'm sure he'd punch me right in the face, but these are desperate moments.

"We'll find her." Spike is scrolling through his phone. I don't know what he's looking for, but whatever it is better magically teleport Red right here in my arms.

"They fucking took her. These same fucks that have been running around kidnapping the other women stole what's mine." I pace back and forth, and when that movement doesn't lessen the fury inside of me, I pull my hand back and punch through one of her walls. I want to break something. I want to destroy anything. Even as I continue to break Sienna's place, I know nothing I can do is going to stop this ache inside of me.

"Do you have any type of tracking device on her? Anything like that?" Tella asks.

"No, man. I didn't think. I wasn't..." My words cut off as I think back on all the things I could've done to ensure that she was safe. I'm supposed to be the one protecting her, but right now it seems like I've done nothing but sit back and watch her get deeper and deeper into trouble on her own.

"What about surveillance?" Spike asks, looking at me. I shake my head, and all at once, everyone stops what they're doing. They know what I know. There's basically no way for me to find her.