I slump against the doorframe, my head falling into my hands as the weight of our situation crashes down on me. The realization that I have no way to track Sienna, no breadcrumbs to follow, no magic solution to bring her back to me, is like a punch to the gut. My chest constricts, making it hard to breathe.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I mutter, my voice barely above a whisper now. The rage that was fueling me moments ago has been replaced by a bone-deep despair. I can see her face in my mind, those green eyes that light up when she laughs, the way her nose crinkles when she's annoyed. The thought of never seeing those expressions again, of Fisher or his goons hurting her, makes me want to vomit.
Leo approaches cautiously, his hand hovering near my shoulder but not quite touching. "Lash, brother, we need to regroup. Come back to the clubhouse with us. We'll figure this out."
I shake my head, not lifting it from my hands. "How? How the fuck are we gonna figure this out, Leo? We've got nothing. No leads, no tracker, no goddamn clue where they might've taken her."
Spike chimes in, his voice uncharacteristically gentle. "We've got contacts, man. People who owe us favors. We'll put the word out, shake down every lowlife in the city if we have to."
I finally look up, my vision blurry. I realize I'm on the verge of tears, something I haven't experienced since I was a kid. "It won't be enough. Not fast enough. You know what these bastards are capable of. By the time we find her..." I can't finish the sentence, the words sticking in my throat like shards of glass.
The room falls silent, the gravity of the situation settling over all of us like a heavy blanket. I can see the pity in their eyes, and it makes me want to scream. I don't want their fucking pity. I want Sienna back.
Leo tries again, his voice firmer this time. "Lash, staying here isn't helping anyone. We need you clear-headed if we're going to find her. Come back to the clubhouse, let's form a plan."
I know he's right, but the thought of leaving this place, leaving the last place I know for certain Sienna was, feels like giving up. My eyes scan the room, taking in the scattered belongings, the broken bits of wall where my fist went through. It's like a crime scene, and I'm terrified that if I leave, I'll be losing the last connection I have to her.
Spike steps forward, offering his hand. "Come on, brother. We're not giving up. We're just regrouping. We'll find her, I swear it."
With a heavy sigh, I reach out and clasp his hand, letting him pull me up.
My legs feel weak, like they might give out at any moment. Leo wraps an arm around my shoulders, steadying me as we make our way to the door.
Just as we reach the threshold, Leo's cell phone blares to life, the harsh ringtone shattering the tense silence. He fumbles for it, his eyes widening as he glances at the screen.
"It's Switch," he says, his voice tinged with surprise and a hint of suspicion. "The president of Hands of Hell."
My heart rate kicks up a notch. The Hands of Hell MC had been on shaky ground with us for months, their allegiances questionable at best. What could Switch want now, of all times?
Leo answers, his thumb hovering over the speaker button. "Yeah?"
Switch's gravelly voice crackles through the line. "Put me on speaker, Leo. I've got something for Lash."
Leo complies, holding the phone out between us. The air feels thick with anticipation, and I can see Spike and the others leaning in, their faces a mix of curiosity and wariness.
"Alright, Switch," I growl, impatience coloring my tone. "What's this about?"
There's a pause, and I can almost picture Switch on the other end, probably puffing on one of those cheap cigars he favors. When he speaks, his words send a jolt through my system.
"Listen up, Lash. I know we've had our differences, but I'm looking to get back on Chrome Creed's good side. Consider this a show of good faith."
My fists clench at my sides, hope and dread warring in my chest. "Spit it out, Switch."
"I know where they're keeping your girl. Sienna."
The world seems to tilt on its axis. I grab Leo's wrist, steadying myself and the phone. "Where?" I demand, my voice a ragged whisper.
Switch's words come fast and clear, painting a vivid picture. "Old warehouse on the outskirts of town. You know that abandoned industrial park off Route 7? There's a building there, used to be a meat packing plant. Big red brick monstrosity, can't miss it. They've got her in the basement level."
My mind races, piecing together the location. I know the place he's talking about – we'd considered using it ourselves for some of our less-than-legal operations a few years back.
"How do you know this, Switch?" Leo asks, his tone skeptical.
There's a dry chuckle from the other end of the line. "Let's just say I've got eyes and ears in places Fisher doesn't expect. But you better move fast. Word is, they're not planning on keeping her there long."
The warehouse looms before me, a hulking mass of red brick and rusted metal. I don't hesitate, don't wait for backup or a plan. My boots crunch on broken glass and gravel as I charge through the entrance, my gun already drawn.
The air inside is thick with dust and the musty smell of decay. Shafts of late afternoon sunlight pierce through broken windows, creating eerie patterns on the concrete floor. My eyes adjust quickly to the dim interior, scanning for any sign of movement.