That gives me pause.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"You think it was only me at the party? Fisher was there too. He saw me walk out. He saw your little girlfriend. I'd bet my life on the fact that he's already got her. You're too late. She's gone, and you'll never see her again."
Panic floods through me. That can’t be right. I was just with her. I don't ask him any more questions; I'm through with him. Instead, I pick up the knife and slam it down in the center of his neck. It goes all the way through and pierces the table underneath him. He gags, and blood gurgles in the wound for a few moments while I rush to grab my phone and call Sienna.
My hands start to shake as I realize the phone goes to voicemail. Once, then twice. How could I fucking let this happen?
I'm so busy trying to get a hold of these other girls that I didn't realize Sienna was still in danger. Now I may never see her again.
I know what's going to happen when Lash gets that man alone. I'm not stupid. There's no way he's going to be able to get the information just by asking nicely. He's going to have to hurt him, maybe even kill him. That's the life I'm in now, and I'm surprised to find out that I'm not as disgusted by it as I should be.
Everyone should get their just desserts. When the authorities won't do what's right, it's up to people like Lash and the Chrome Creed MC to do it for them.
After he left, I lay in bed for a long while, staring at the Charlie Brown Christmas tree I have up in the corner of my room.
I want to make this Christmas really special for Lash. I'll have to get a bigger tree, maybe a few presents for him. My hands reach up and touch the diamond earrings he's already given me. He's given me so much in a short time; I'm starting to feel like I'm falling behind. I know it's not a competition, but I don't want him to think I don't appreciate him.
After laying in bed for a little while, I hop in the shower to wash the stink of that other man off my body and to clear my skin of all the layers of makeup that somehow managed to stick around.
I have my eyes closed as the water drips off my body when I hear the front door unlock. Lash must already be back. Quickly, I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist.
"Lash," I call out to him when I hear the door push forward, only to get caught on the deadbolt. I laugh at him; he's probably frustrated. "You're the one who told me to put it on!" I yell at the door as I make my way over.
I quickly push the door shut and undo the deadbolt to let Lash in. When the door swings open, a man I've never seen before barges in and places a rag over my mouth. I kick and scream, trying to break free from his grasp, but it's no use. I'm already falling fast asleep before my mind catches up to what's going on.
"Sienna! Can you hear me? Wake up, girl."
I move my head from side to side, the world still barely coming in and out via my hearing. It sounds like I’m trapped underwater.
"Sienna." Someone shouts at me. "Maybe we should smack her." They say, and I let my eyelids flutter open. The first thing I see is Lia.
"Oh god." I croak and try to get up. My back is killing me. I look down at my body to see that I’m no longer in my towel but instead in an oversized T-shirt and nothing else. Not only am I not in my towel, I’m not in my house anymore either.
"Oh god. What happened?" I force myself to sit up and grab hold of Lia in a big hug. She squeezes me back, but I have to turn my head away. She smells really bad.
"I don’t know what happened to you, but the last thing I remember was going to the Hands of Hell clubhouse, having sex, and then waking up here. I think those bastards drugged us."
"Of course they fucking drugged us." Max pipes up.
"Me too."
I look around the small room I’m in and realize for the first time that it’s not just me and the two girls. There are at least six of us in here, all of us dressed in similar things and, aside from me, none of us looking too good.
"Who did this?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.
"Fisher. He says he’s got clients that will pay top dollar for a good cum cover. We just need to be broken in first." Max looks away from me.
"That’s what they’re here for."