Good god. How was she supposed to function after that? The images were vivid in her mind. She needed to stick her head in one of those ice baths the players used.
“Why are you flushed? Are you getting sick?”
Her father’s voice startled her and she lost her grip on her phone. It bounced in her hands before landing facedown—thank god—on the floor.
Please don’t be broken. Please.
“Hi, Dad,” she said as she crouched to pick up her phone. The screen was still intact. She locked it for good measure.
“You’re not getting sick, are you?” he asked with concern in his eyes. “Is Brenda working you too hard? I can talk to Charles.”
She laughed. “Dad. I’m fine. Just a little warm in here from running around making sure your guys have what they need.”
“Are they being high-maintenance? Lachley seems to be extra needy,” he said, turning to look at Desmond.
“What? Oh no. Just doing my job. And what are you doing here?”
“Thought I’d check up on your awesome event. Make sure you didn’t need any help. Plus, some of the ticket holders actually want pictures with your dear old dad,” he said, tapping his chest.
“Of course they do. You’re Bugsy Malone, star player, like years ago.”
“Ouch. I’m not that old. Want to grab a late lunch when you’re done?” he asked.
“Sure,” she said. “Now go mingle with your fans.”
He squeezed her shoulder and then headed toward the group with Biscuit. Her father liked that puppy more than he let on.
Now she just had to get through another hour without looking at Desmond again.
Totally doable.
Desmond groaned whenhis alarm buzzed a few mornings later. He reached for Rylie, only to remember that she’d ducked out a few hours ago.
He hated that she went home every time. He understood her reasoning, but he still hated it. He wanted to wake her up with his mouth and take his time exploring her in the early morning light. It bothered him that she still seemed fine with their casual, sneaky arrangement. Somewhere along the line, he realized he wanted more.
Even that little niggle of doubt made him think about Melanie. He didn’t think about her often, but she’d blindsided him. Even though he’d been with Rylie for a much shorter time than Melanie, he already knew that Rylie had the power to destroy his heart far worse than Melanie had done.
And that freaked him the hell out. How could he have fallen for her so quickly?
His phone buzzed and he swiped it on.
Rylie:I wish we could wake up together.
She included a selfie of her in bed, with tousled hair and sleepy eyes that made his cock harden with instant lust. Maybe she was in as deep as he was.
Desmond:You’re welcome to sleep over anytime.
Rylie:Easier said than done.
Desmond:You know you’re an adult, right?
Rylie:Ouch. Harsh.
Desmond:Sorry. I just wish you were here too. I excel at morning sex.
Rylie:We had sex right before I left at 3. That’s the morning.
Desmond:Don’t you want to wake up to my tongue on your clit? To my hands running over your sleepy warm body?