Rylie:You are trying to kill me, aren’t you?
Desmond:You started it with that pic. Do you have any idea what you do to me?
Rylie:Pretty sure it’s the same thing you do to me.
Then his phone chimed again.
Baz:Nessie. Wake up, Nessie. Get your ass up to the gym. You’re late. Unless you have a hot date sleeping over. I’ll only forgive you for that.
Desmond rolled to his stomach, groaning into his pillow as his hard cock pressed into the mattress, seeking relief he wouldn’t get right now.
Desmond:I’ll be there in ten. Overslept.
He opened his text chain with Rylie.
Desmond:Baz is a cockblock. I have to go meet him in the gym or he’ll come down here.
Rylie:Well, that’s a mood killer.
Desmond:Spend the night for real and then I can show you exactly how amazing morning sex can be.
Rylie:I’ll think about it. Now go burn off that energy.
Desmond:Feel free to swing by any time you want so we can burn some energy together.
Rylie:Go work out, Desmond. I’ll see you at the game tonight.
He dropped his phone on the bed and hopped in the shower to relieve the ache she’d caused in his cock. Then he headed down to meet Baz and a few of the other guys.
They had a morning skate in a few hours, but Desmond liked to get in a quick cardio workout to get his blood pumping before he hit the ice. He could’ve gone straight to the rink to use the gym there, but he liked working out with just a few of his teammates in their building.
“’Bout time you showed up, sleepy,” Baz said as he ran on the treadmill.
“Shut up. I’m not that late,” Desmond grumbled, jumping onto the treadmill next to Baz and bumping it up to a brisk jog to get started.
He nodded a hello to the other guys. Jake was on the elliptical and Finn was on one of the spin bikes.
“Saw something interesting in the lobby the other night before our road trip,” Baz said, his voice low as he continued his pace.
“What?” Desmond asked, but he already knew. It was bound to happen at some point.
“You hooking up with Rylie?” Baz asked.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Desmond said, increasing the incline and speed on the treadmill and trying to remain calm.
“Come on, man. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. Frankly, you’re not subtle. I’m surprised Bugsy hasn’t caught on,” Baz said.
“Shit. Really?”
“Nah. I mean, I’ve noticed, but then I notice a lot more than other people.”
“Yeah. It’s unnerving, man.”
Baz shrugged. “And now you’ve confirmed it. Are you insane? Hooking up with Bugsy’s daughter as a rebound? Not smart, man. Not smart.” Desmond was grateful that the other guys were far enough away not to hear them.
Desmond felt his hackles rise. “She’s not a fucking rebound,” he gritted out.