He turned and gave her a wink that told her he’d done that little move on purpose.
Glorious perfect ass. But still a bastard.
She shook her head and walked toward Edwin and Biscuit. The little puppy had been doing great. He was still rambunctious and a nervous pee-er, but hopefully he wouldn’t pee on one of the fans. He had a Strikers’ bandana on and looked adorable. The fans loved having their pictures taken with him.
“Biscuit, down,” Rylie said as the wiggly puppy jumped up on a kid who had crouched down for a picture.
“He tickles.” The little boy giggled when Biscuit licked his face. “Mom. We need a puppy.”
The mother smiled down at her son and Biscuit. “Maybe.”
“Paws of Love is a great rescue shelter if you’re looking,” Rylie told the woman, who thanked her before she walked away with her son.
Rylie continued making the rounds to see if the players needed water or pens. They all seemed genuine in their interactions with their fans. Their smiles were real. Their conversations weren’t canned as they signed photos, jerseys, and anything else the fans put in front of them.
She snapped a few photos for the website and social media accounts. Their team photographer would grab official event pictures, but Rylie knew that people wanted to see candids.
She stopped at Baz’s table to grab a quick video for their Instagram stories. The man was always on and the fans appeared to love his antics.
“He likes to elaborate. Ignore him,” Desmond teased Baz.
His laugh warmed her entire body and she wished the event was done so they could go back to his place. She hadn’t been able to sneak over last night, and it’d been days since he’d touched her.
And she was craving him badly. So freaking badly.
She met his gaze and he quirked his brow like he could read her thoughts. Was she blushing? Shit. She had to get it together. Hopefully no one was paying attention to her.
“Rylie. You look a little flushed,” Baz said, and her eyes darted over to him.
“Yeah. It’s warm in here. You guys need anything?” She stumbled over her words.
“No. We’re good. You sure you’re okay?” Baz asked.
“Yep. Keep up the good work,” she said before she walked away, refusing to look at Desmond.
It was all his fault. Bending over to get that pen earlier.
She internally snorted. He was making her crazy and she was letting him.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket with a text.
Desmond:Want to find a dark corner? I need to kiss you.
Desire pooled low in her belly.
Rylie:That would be highly unprofessional. Now stop distracting me and greet your fans.
Desmond:How am I distracting you? It was the pen earlier, wasn’t it?
He followed with a winking emoji.
Rylie:You are terrible. Maybe I won’t come over tonight.
Desmond:It’s been days, Rylie. DAYS! I miss your soft moans when I’m inside you. How you pull on my hair when I shift my hips.