Angry and not thinking straight, I get off my bike and storm to the black SUV. The sound of a car speeding behind me causes me to stop and turn around. A black van screeches to a stop, caging me in. It then occurs to me that I was being followed, and this is an ambush. Before I can think too much about it, five men jump out of the van and grab me. I pull, kick, and manage to hit one of the men in the jaw. He falls over, leaving four men to drag me to the van. The streets are quiet, and there’s no one there to help. Again, I pull on my arms, but this time, I can’t hit anyone or break free.

As I’m dragged to the van, the door slides open.

There, standing inside, is my…

… onetrue enemy.

Luca Clemente.

His sadistic smile is the first thing I notice.

“Hello, Harley… so nice to see you again.”

That’s the last thing I remember before he plants his fist in my face. I catch a glimpse of the brass knuckles before I’m knocked the fuck out.

Water splashing over my face wakes me, and I spit out what’s been thrown over me. My hand covers my face as I try to block the light from my eyes, struggling to open to the brightness. Leather shoes stand beside me, and I look up to find Luca, who’s wearing pleated blue pants and a black shirt. A big-built man stands beside him, holding a bucket in his hand—obviously the man responsible for throwing the water over me.

Luca squats down beside me, his expensive aftershave reaching my senses. “Good morning, sunshine.” I sit up instantly and push back against the concrete floor.

That’s when I realize my feet are tied together, as well as my hands.

“You’re a dead man!” I growl, glaring at Luca.

He smirks. “Not from where I’m standing,” he replies, and I want to wipe that smile off his face so badly.

“It won’t take long for my men to find me and kill you. You’ve got fuckin’ balls, Clemente.”

“Is that so? Well, don’t forget who you’re talking to. Let them come, and we will be waiting for them when they do. As for you… well…” he adds, standing, “… youwillbe dead.”

He turns to the men who have just walked through the door of what looks like a dungeon. There are no windows, and the walls are dark gray concrete, making me think I’m underground.

The room is bare, but chains catch my eye on the side of the wall, and it occurs to me that this is a torture chamber.

The men are the ones who grabbed me from the road. But there’s one who has an evil streak about him. He’s the one who stands out from the others. He has a scar that runs from the side of his face down to his chin. He has an eye that’s a different color to his other brown eye, making me think it’s a fake eyeball. He’s wearing black jeans and a black singlet. His black hair is slicked back, and he has a briefcase in his hand. He nods at Luca when he sees him, and then the man looks at me.

He squats on the floor and places the briefcase down, slowly unlocking it. When he opens it, a reflection shines on his face and the floor around him. I still, my eyes catching sight of what looks like surgical knives.Fuck, theyaregoing to torture me.Something I know all too well—we’ve used the same kind of torture method once or twice to get information from an enemy.

Three men stride toward me and grab me by my arms, forcing me to the side of the wall where the chains are located. I don’t make it easy for them to get me there. I use all my body weight to keep me still, but I’m no match for three men.

“You’re going to pay for this,” I yell.

They struggle to attach me to the cuffs that hang from the chains, but they get it done, even after I kick one of them in the balls.

“You’re a tough one, aren’t you?” The man with the knives says, now walking toward me. My hands are tied above my head, and my feet are still bound by rope.

I don’t reply as Scarface steps in front of me with a smile, a gold tooth appearing on his front teeth. Something about him screams crazy.

He looks at the men now standing on either side of me.

Luca takes a few steps toward me with a knife in hand. “You know, Harley, it’s a shame we couldn’t be friends. I would have been willing to share Serena with you. After all, it wasn’t as if I was going to be faithful to her. You had to go and ruin it by killing my father.” He points the knife at my chest, and I feel the blade through my white tee.

“You killed my father,” I spit out. “An eye for an eye,” I add.

“I see. Well…” He trails the knife up my chest to my neck, then to the side of my face. He digs the point into my skin, and I feel warm blood trail down my face.

He steps back, observing me, his face tilting to the side. “Mmm… this just won’t do.”

Then, the men standing beside me face me, and one of them with a full-grown beard hits me straight to my abdomen. I want to belly over in pain, but I can’t move. He then plants his fist to my face, hitting me so hard I see stars. Once, twice, three times, and then he finally stops. My head drops, and blood falls to the concrete floor as my nose and mouth bleed.