“It’s such a shame we couldn’t be friends, but now it’s time for you to pay for what you did,” I hear Luca say.
With my eyes focused on the floor, I see another set of boots standing in front of me. The man forcefully lifts my head by pulling on my hair. I breathe heavily through the pain and the blood covering my vision. The second man follows a beating like the first. But this man takes his time sending blow after blow to my face, my abdomen, and then back to my chin.
My hands grip the chains as I’m forced back with each punch.
For a while, there’s quiet.
It’s calm, and my eyes are shut.
Water is splashed on my face, waking me.
“Oh, no, you don’t. We’re not done with you.”
I spit the blood out of my mouth, and it lands on Luca’s face. I can tell his patience is running thin because his nostrils flair, and he purses his lips. He wipes the blood off his precious black shiny shoes with a handkerchief he retrieves from his pants pocket.
Suddenly, a sharp object is inserted into my side, and I gasp as the wind is knocked out of me. Confused about where this pain could have come from, I look down at my side, where blood is now spilling out. Scarface stands there with a sharp object in his hand, covered in my blood. I was so focused on Luca that I didn’t see him coming.
The pain is like nothing I’ve ever felt before—the intensity causes me to sway.
Luca walks closer, gripping my chin. “You don’t get the luxury of passing out. No, you are going to experience intense pain. I’m not done with you yet.”
Then, another stab hits me on my other side.
I look down, finding a knife in my side with Luca’s hand on the end of it.
He leans in and whispers, “This is just the beginning.”
The pain is excruciating. My eyes flutter closed.
I don’t know how long I have been unconscious.
When I wake, the sound of gunshots surrounds me.
I want to open my eyes, but I can’t—I am fighting to stay conscious.
My eyes focus on the blood spurting from my side—the side that just received another blow. My hands above my head are numb, and I feel the strength leave my body.
I’m dying.
This is how it ends for me.
My mother comes to mind. She won’t handle this well. My death will kill her, especially after she lost my father.
Serena. Oh, Serena. I didn’t get to have enough time with her. I wanted to give her a life full of love and happiness. I wanted to marry her and give her many children so she would know what a real family feels like and not the one she was dealt—a life with no mother and siblings.
I didn’t have brothers or sisters, but I grew up with the MC, which is like a big family. I was never alone and got to play with other kids who belonged to some of the members there.
I looked forward to the time I would put a ring on Serena’s finger and finally call her my wife.
But now, it seems that will never happen.
I’m fighting to keep my eyes open.
I want to fight the blackness that’s claiming me, but it’s so damn hard.
In the distance, I hear laughter and the sound of clatter, probably Scarface getting his tools ready to do more damage.