“Are you fuckin’ kidding me? You’re going nowhere. Did you forget what we just did? Our bodies are made for each other.” I grab both her arms, forcing her to look at me and give me her full attention. “We are made for each other,” I reiterate.

She looks away. “Please don’t. How can you want to be with me when my father got your dad killed and wanted you dead too.”

My hands fall from her, not believing what I’m hearing. I step back. “Did you know he was involved?” I ask, worried what her answer will be. Surely, she wouldn’t hold onto this information and not tell me. Better yet, how long has she known?

“Did you, Serena?” I growl.

She shakes her head. “Well, um…”

Grabbing my jeans from the floor, I quickly push my legs through them and zip them up, leaving the button undone. I face her and notice that she’s crying heavily now. I step closer once again. “Baby, did you know?” I ask, dipping my head so she can look at me.

“I found out a couple of days ago. But Harley, I was going to tell you. I had no idea. Please, Harley, say something.”

I look up at her, and she’s biting her bottom lip.

“Why would Emilio want my father dead?”

“Harley, did you hear me?” She walks up to me and closes her arms around my neck.

My hands reach behind her, and I unclasp her hands, holding them to her sides. I button up my jeans, turn around, pick up my black T-shirt off the floor, and find my cut on the chair.

“Harley, where are you going?” Serena stands in my way and places her hands on my chest, keeping me from leaving the room.

“I need to be alone and think. Stay here with Liv. I’ll leave my men to watch out for you. You’re safe here. I’ll be back in the morning.”

“Harley, don’t leave me,” she begs.

“I won’t. I’ll be back, I promise,” I say and peck her lips before I walk around her and open the door. As I walk toward the kitchen, I find my boys sitting with Liv on the couch, watching some movie. It must be a comedy because they’re laughing.

“Where are you going, Prez?” I walk past them and say, “Need some air.”

“I’m coming with you.” Wave stands to follow me out, but I raise my hand. “No, brother, I need to be on my own.”

“But, Prez—”

“Sit the fuck down and do as I say.” With that, I storm to the front door and slam it behind me.

Straddling my bike, I start it up, rev it a few times, and take off. My head is all over the place, and I have no idea where I’m going, but I do know I need some space. For the first time, I want to be on my own to think. The fact that my father was killed because of Serena’s dad has me spinning. What was his vendetta toward my father?

I was going to go back to the clubhouse, but I don’t think I could take all the questions everyone would throw at me there. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been away, and I can only imagine the surprise when they see me. I know I’ll need to call church and speak to my men about this newfound information.

But right now, I need to be alone.

So, instead, I make my way to the beach, a place where I’ve always found solace.

My phone vibrates in my jeans pocket, but it can ring all it wants because I don’t want to talk to anyone.

The beach is about a twenty-minute ride, and it’s always been somewhere I can gather my thoughts. I brought Serena here once and surprised her with a picnic. I remember how beautiful she looked in a fitted, black strapless dress. She hadn’t expected me to pick her up from work that day and had whined that her dress was too short to get on the back of my bike. I remember telling her who gives a shit what anyone thinks but then instantly changed my mind when I thought some asshole could see my woman’s ass. I gave her my black hoodie and asked her to put it around her waist. She smiled and said I was crazy.

Maybe I was.

Maybe I still am.

No, Iamcrazy about her.

With the ocean in view, I stop at the red light ahead and take a moment to look at my surroundings. The image of Serena comes to mind, and the thought she didn’t come to me right away when she got the information cuts me deep. Why couldn’t she trust me and come straight to me rather than to Liv? I try not to dwell on that fact too long because the lights turn green, and I take off. But suddenly, out of nowhere, a black SUV races toward me, then screeches to a stop, blocking my way.

“What the fuck!” I shout with my hands in the air.