In a blink, he was in the demon realm outside the king's quarters, where he tended to be at this time of the day. Merihem took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
When it opened, Merihem found himself to be sweaty. He eyed the demon, who no longer wore the indulgent look he’d given to Peni.
“Ah, I see you have decided to give your king some of your precious time.” The sarcastic bite to the words was like the tip of a whip slicing at skin.
Merihem didn’t wince or show weakness, the king would use it against him. “Sorry for the delay.”
A light flashed in Asmodeus’ dark eyes before it disappeared, and Merihem had a chance to gauge what it was. “So it seems.”
He swept back into the room, his robes trailing behind him as Merihem took that to be an invitation when the door hadn’t slammed in his face. He shut it softly behind him, his mind racing on how best to lay out what he wanted. All his prepared speeches had somehow vacated his brain the second he’d seen the king.
Once the king sat on his throne wearing what could be classed as a bored expression, one that didn’t fool Merihem, did he approach. “Sir…” he licked his drying lips, meeting Asmodeus' gaze head-on. “Sir, I have given consideration to my role within the demon realm—”
“When did it become your responsibility to consider what your role is in this realm?” The iciness dripped from the question.
Way to go to piss him off.His demon fought to break free. Seeing it might be for the best, Merihem receded. “We do not believe it is our responsibility, sir.” The gruffness of his demon’s voice was similar to the king’s, only without the iciness. “But the last time we were here with Peni, I explained my blissful one would not be happy being in this realm. His happiness comes first, second, and everything in between.”
The claw-like nails tapped on the arm of the throne, and Merihem’s demon side was the one to sweat this time. Those dark eyes narrowed and pinned themselves on Merihem, holding him hostage. “Yes, I see you are telling the truth.”
“Dakata has gifted me his home. Peni loves it there. It’s his home now, and I want to live there permanently with him.” Was he waffling? It felt like it!
You weren’t doing any better.His demon side sounded miffed.
One brow arched giving him more of a demonic look and chilling Merihem’s flesh. “That’s kind of Dakata.”
The way he said it wouldn’t suggest that at all. “It was. I could, as I suggested, live in the human realm and carry out my role. Peni could stay with Dakata and Silas in the forest when I need to leave—”
“You are turning down my offer of Peni staying here with me? Do you think that I would not be able to protect your blissful one?”
The tone was flat and emotionless, however, his eyes held the fire of hell as they drilled into Merihem.
Oh, you’re doing so much better than I was!Merihem couldn’t stop himself from pointing it out. He fought to get back control from his demon half. The fucker wasn’t playing ball.
He stood tall, even sitting on his throne, the king was slightly taller than Merihem’s demon. “I have no doubt you could protect my blissful one. My problem is Peni would not be comfortable being here, sir. He is nervous and easily upset by things that he can’t control in his environment. I do not wish to cause him any distress. Thinking and worrying about him would not be good for me in my position.” All of what he said was the truth. And if that didn’t work, then Merihem and his demon were going to have to resort to some other measure. What that might be…
He was clueless.
Time dragged as Asmodeus continued to hold his stare, Merihem didn’t so much as flicker a muscle.
“Peni… did he speak with you about his visit with me?”
The sudden change of conversation threw Merihem’s demon for a loop. His lips parted and then closed. A sense of something came and went, but it was so quick that Merihem’s human side didn’t catch quite what it was. “He considered you were lonely.”
What the fuck did you say that for?Merihem could only imagine that would piss the king off, and he braced.
When the king's lips twitched, Merihem gawked.
“He’s sweet,” he replied.
What was going on here? Had he fallen into a parallel realm?
“He is,” they replied, for want of anything better to say.
“Did he mention anything else?” Asmodeus persisted, coming forward in his seat, looking almost excited.
“No. He just said that you had lots of questions, and he tried to answer them for you.” The situation was getting more bizarre by the moment. “Erm, about leaving him with Dakata—”