“Know what?” All Peni could feel was tingles, which was probably the magic from the tree. Or maybe he needed something to eat.

“Congratulations. You’re pregnant.”

“I’m what!” Peni was sure his shout could be heard in the demon realm. It certainly scared the birds, who all disappeared in a flutter of wings.

Chapter Twenty-Three


For the life of him, Merihem couldn’t remember a time he’d been happier. He’d thought long and hard on this, but nothing seemed now to have given him the joy Peni did.

Was it sad that he got enjoyment out of washing dishes just to please his blissful one? Many would laugh their socks off at how the great Controller was now domesticated.

He shook his head, because he wouldn’t be telling anyone how he behaved around Peni in their home. And it was their home, Peni had slowly added little personal touches around the house. This was the first reason for coming to the forest. Having left Peni with Silas, he stared at Dakata considering how best to ask for what he wanted.

“Spit it out,” Dakata grumbled, his gaze focused on the direction of where Silas and Peni had disappeared.

“I want your house—to buy it.”

Dakata’s head whipped around to Merihem, and he wore a look that made Merihem chuckle.

“What? Didn’t you think I’d want to live up here when this is where Peni is happiest?”

“You were always so adamant that the demon realm was your home, first and foremost.”

Merihem shrugged and sighed. “Things change. You wouldn’t go back, would you?” he asked, more out of interest.

“Never. Silas’s soul is connected to his tree, as is mine now. But I’d already made the transition to this realm a long time ago. AllI’ve done is move from one home to another. This is different for you.”

Merihem eyed his friend. He wasn’t wrong it was different, only it was in the best possible way, and he said so. “I didn’t have a blissful one before. Being here with him is all I want. I don’t want him in the demon realm for the same reasons as you. Silas’s delicate disposition wouldn’t cope, Peni is the same.”

The nod came with a thoughtful look. “How will that work with Asmodeus? The king has had you as his right-hand demon for a long time.”

For the first time in Merihem’s long life, he was nervous. He’d heard nothing from the king, and he wasn’t sure whether that was a good or a bad thing. “I don’t know. I’m heading there next. That’s why I brought Peni here for you to watch over him. And to ask about your house, which you haven’t answered me,” Merihem reminded him.

“The house, I’ll gift to you both. You were there for me, my friend. Whatever you need, if it’s within the realm of possibilities, it’s yours.”

The sincerity caused Merihem to take a moment to gather his emotions. His bond of friendship with Dakata was the most important of Merihem’s life. He’d chosen well. He clasped Dakata to him and hugged him hard.

“Hey, what the fuck!” Dakata splutter-laughed before clapping him on the back. “You getting soft on me?”

“Fuck off,” Merihem complained as he let go, grinning, not offended. “I’ve never been soft in my life.” He flexed his arm, the T-shirt nearly tearing.

Dakata rolled his eyes. “Give over. You never impressed me, and at least one good thing came with Peni.” His gaze dropped to his pants, and he waited for a beat. “At least I don’t have to see your naked ass anymore.”

“My blissful one doesn’t like the idea of anyone seeing what belongs to him.” Merihem was all smug satisfaction at that.

“Great… now, don’t you think you should stop delaying and go and speak to Asmodeus?”

This was why they were friends, no bullshit, and he got what Merihem was doing—avoiding. “What if he refuses to let me continue as I am?” he asked, revealing his fear.

The serious expression that appeared as Dakata eyed him didn’t help Merihem’s cause. “Be honest. What can he do?”

“Say no!” Merihem and his demon side worried about that the most.

“Stop second-guessing what might happen and find out. Then we’ll deal with it like we have always done.”

They had. All of life’s battles they’d fought together. Yes, Merihem had Peni now, but that was different. Theystrengthened each other with their bond, two parts of one whole perfectly matched. However, his friendship with Dakata was part of the foundation of Merihem’s life. They used that platform to support each other and that would never change. “Thank you.” Attached to those two words was the gravitas. “Keep Peni safe, I’ll be back.”