The king waved his enormous hand, stopping him. “Yes, your blissful one can stay in the forest. Stress would not be a good thing in his condition. As you say, he’s a sensitive soul and wewouldn’t want to upset him. He’ll have plenty to contend with in the future.”

What the hell was he talking about?

“You must bring him for a visit again. I enjoyed my time with your little goat,” he continued on.

“I’m sure he’d like that,” Merihem muttered, frowning, still working on everything else the king had said.Condition? What condition?

“—You will need to check in with Badra on the list of deviants that require your attention. I assume Gebre won’t have kept track due to his obsession with you, so you’ll need to see him before you leave.”

What had he missed? Merihem’s demon nodded, but all Merihem could think about was the king’s phrasing.Condition. Plenty to contend with in the future?

“You’re dismissed. I’ll let you know when I wish to see Peni again.”

They were leaving and out of the throne room, the door shut behind them before Merihem knew what was going on. He felt he’d missed a chunk of what had gone on in the room.

What the hell was that all about?

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

The smugness of his demon side gave Merihem pause.You’re being a dick, you know that!

I’m what!The words rang through Merihem’s brain, making it rattle in his skull at the force of them. He didn’t think as he translocated, any thoughts of visiting Badra gone at hearing his blissful one’s distress.

Peni stood, pale as a ghost next to Silas who was smiling softly. Merihem’s demon scanned the environment, heart pounding, claws at the ready as he put himself in front of Peni. Their senses found nothing. Nothing at all.

What is wrong, my love?

He scooped up Peni and kissed him on his clammy forehead. “What happened?” he asked aloud when all he was getting was static from Peni. “Tell me, please.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


“I want to squish your face in.” Peni grabbed hold of the demon’s face in both hands and squeezed with his fingers. It was akin to trying to squish a rock, but Peni was making a point. “I want topound you, and squeeze you, and make your face all red. You… you…”

“My love, please. Tell me what’s wrong.”

“You don’t know?” Peni wasn’t sure he believed that. After hearing Silas’s words and knowing what Asmodeus did, his brain was disjointed, and he just yelled the first thing that fell out of his mouth. “How can you not know? Demons know everything.”

“Clearly not everything.” Oh, look. Merihem’s demon thought it would be funny to laugh. “I don’t understand what’s upsetting you. But if a mosquito bit you, I will hunt it down and annihilate it. If a blade of grass manages to tickle your ankle…”

“I’ve got socks on. Stop making fun of me.”

Snuggle time. Snuggle time.

“It’s not snuggle time, you silly goat.” Peni patted his demon’s face sharply. “As for you, pay attention.”

“You have my absolute attention, my love.”

“There you go again, spouting more nonsense. Listen. I’m a man, right? I have the same equipment as you?” Peni thrust his hips against Merihem’s chest and then winced, because that was like pounding a rock as well.

“You have delightful bits.” The hands on Peni’s butt gave a little squeeze, but Peni couldn’t get distracted when his brain had already splintered.

“You’re making fun of me again. Do you remember…” Looking around, Peni saw Silas and Dakata were watching them.What the heck? They’ll all know soon enough anyway if they don’t know already. The tree probably told them.“When we did the mouth thing, a week ago. Do you remember that?”

“That first time you shared your body with me was one of the greatest memories of my very long existence.”

“Good, then you’ll remember that we both did the glug, glug, glug thing.” Peni mimed a cock in his hand near his mouth while swallowing. “And I said about having a shower before we went to the demon realm, and you said no. Do you remember that?”