Page 13 of Burn With Me

“I’m far from being a giant, but I’m glad they make things tall enough that I don’t have to hunch over.”

I chuckle. “Thanks again for helping today. You didn’t have to since you didn’t know me, but I appreciate the extra hands.”

“Trust me, it was my pleasure. You’re doing a good thing for the community. I haven’t been here long, but even I can see that. It’s not often you see someone making a positive difference.”

I blush because while I’m proud of my work, I’m not the best when it comes to having any kind of attention on me.

Once we have everything packed up, Pam and I hug Luna. “Thanks for sticking around and helping out. Honestly, thanks to all of you for helping. I vote that tomorrow we go out for dinner. My treat.”

“Hell, yeah, you can pay for dinner,” Sam says, ruffling my hair as he walks by.

They all agree, and we pick a place, and Pam and I put Luna’s number in our phones. For the first time since my farm started to take off, I feel like good things are coming my way.



We pull up to Amelia’s farm, and as we unload everything, Sam and I talk about our first day of work and everything we still have to do. Pam asks questions about when my place will be ready and if I’ll take Sam with me when it is.

While the three of us chat, Amelia buzzes around, totally in her element, and I can’t deny how drawn I am to her. For the first time since I can remember, I’m interested in someone for more than one night, and that scares me because I don’t know how to act on it.

“I was told it would be ready by Wednesday, as long as all the plumbing gets fixed, and that’s when the movers will be here. I like the bed-and-breakfast though. The hot tub is enough to make me want one of my own. I’ll be using it after work tomorrow,” I say, half paying attention to the conversation as I try to think of a way to get Amelia’s number.

Sam looks at his watch and says, “Hey, we gotta go if we want to be ready for the twelve-hour shift tomorrow and then dinner after. Five a.m. comes fast. You ready, Pam?”

“Yeah, let me grab my purse, and we can go. Are you ready to leave, Amelia?” she yells down the hall.

“Yeah, I just have to strap Penny in, and I’m good to go,” she says, walking toward us with Penny at her side. “Thanks again for helping! Are we all still good for dinner and drinks tomorrow?”

We all confirm, and then the three of us pile into my truck.

I insert the key in the ignition and casually ask Sam, “Why did you never tell me about Amelia?”

“I did. I told you about my second sister and that she and Pam moved here five years ago, and I helped her move,” he says, looking at me like I grew a second head, and I feel Pam staring at me.

I’m not shocked by their reaction. I don’t ask about women. I just go for them.

“Do you think she’d go on a date with me if I asked her?” I ask, trying to sound nonchalant as I pull out of the parking lot, and the truck gets quiet.

This makes me nervous. I’m a good guy. Yeah, I haven’t had a real relationship since high school. Sam and I bonded over not wanting to settle down, and we were each other’s wingman. However, a few months ago, I realized I was over the different women every night.

“Listen, Luke, I’m going to be honest. She moved here after a really bad breakup. I’ve been telling her for years that it’s time for her to start dating again. But here’s the thing, she doesn’t need someone who’s just looking to get his dick wet, so if you’re looking for a fling, you can move on and get the thought right out of your head. She needs someone who will support her and treat her like the amazing human she is.” Pam pauses and meets my eyes in the rearview mirror, looking at me like she’ll be able to see my intentions for her best friend. “I don’t think you realize how hard it’ll be to convince her to even go on a date, but if you’re serious about it, I may be inclined to help you. I will say, however, if you hurt her, I’ll chop you up with a rusty knife, starting with your dick, and shove it down your throat so you can choke on it.”

Sam snickers next to me, and I make the mistake of looking at him. The moment I do, he bursts out laughing.

“What’s so funny, asshole?”

“You . . . the man who told me relationships were for chumps, wants to date Amelia.”

“People can change, asshole,” I grumble.

I get it, I do. I’ve never shown even the smallest interest in a relationship. One thing I do know is that I want to spend time with Amelia more than I’ve wanted anything in a while.

I feel both of their eyes on me.

“What?! Is it a crime that I want to spend time with her?” I say, feeling defensive.

“No, but this is the last thing I thought we would be talking about. Regardless, you’re in luck, my friend, because I think I have an idea, and this will probably be the fastest way for you to get a date with her. Because she’ll shoot you down hardcore at first,” Pam says and pats my shoulder.