“Hey, Luna! How are you doing today?” I say.
She looks up and smiles. “I’m good! How are you?”
“Can’t complain. How’s work? I know Ann and Joe are planning on taking some time off. Is it going to be just you holding down the fort?” I say as Pam comes up beside me.
“Don’t make it seem like you can do everything yourself. If you need help while they’re gone, you have to let them know,” Pam says, and I nod.
They won’t want her to work herself to death. Farmer Joe and Ann are two of the kindest souls I’ve ever met, and they truly care about their community and the people who work for them.
“It’s really not that bad. I just want to keep to myself and do my job well. I enjoy it though, so it’s all good.” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and looks up to where Luke and Sam are behind me. “Oh, hey, Luke. How has your stay been at the farm so far?” she says as she starts to grab the items she’s looking for.
“It’s perfect. Although I’m going to have to hit the gym more with the way Ann cooks,” he says, rubbing his flat stomach.
I check her out and give her a huge discount like I do for all my friends, and I damn well intend to make Luna my friend because while I have a small circle, she seems like someone I want in that circle. She sets her bag down and comes behind the stand to give Penny some love, and we continue to talk as I help everyone coming to the booth.
Things are going smoothly this morning when I hear the most annoying laugh and roll my eyes so hard I think everyone at the market felt it. Luna must have seen it because she chuckles off to my side.
“Oh, hi. I’ve never seen you two before,” Martha says, batting her eyelashes, and I worry they’re going to fly off her face.
I wonder if anyone has ever told her she looks like she has a twitch and her fake eyelashes are at risk of falling off with that move.
Sam leans over, his playboy smirk making an appearance, and I’m kind of shocked it took him this long. “I’ve never seen you either, and trust me, I would remember.”
Pam and I both gag, and I walk up next to him and push him out of the way. “Hi, Martha. What can I get you today, or are you here just to bother everyone at my booth and take time away from actual customers?”
Is this the best business practice? No, but I’m not a fan of this woman. She only thinks about herself and doesn’t care whose lives she ruins as she goes after whatever goal she has at that time.
She glares at me and says, “I was here to introduce myself to the new firefighters in town. I’m shocked to see them here at your booth already, though.”
“Well, Sam is my brother, and Luke is his friend. So, you can walk away because they don’t want your brand of crazy,” I say as Pam laughs with Luna in the background.
“Oh, Luna, you’re here too. Perfect, all the little misfits are together. Sam, when you’re ready for a tour of the town, let me know, and feel free to bring Luke along as well,” she says, ignoring me.
“Alright, Martha, you can either buy something or leave. You’re holding up the line,” Pam says as she balls her fists at her side.
“Is it a requirement for the people at your booth to have attitudes, Amelia? I don’t know how you have any customers.” She huffs, flipping her fake-ass hair with her fake-ass nails, and walks off.
Pam turns to her brother and jams her finger into his chest. “You stay away from her, you womanizer. She’s no good, and your dick will for sure fall off if you sleep with her.”
I nod in agreement.
Sam just crosses his arms and responds, “You’re both cockblockers. You know my rule: no glove, no love. I’m not going to get anything, plus I’m not going to get to know her. I’m just going to bang her.”
Luna snorts and says, “She picks up guests from the bed-and-breakfast as often as she can, and I promise you if she has something, it’s going through what ever your ‘glove’ is. ” She uses air quotes. “If she’s seeking you out, she just wants to use you for something.”
He rolls his eyes and elbows Luke. “Like we wouldn’t use her for the same reason.”
I just roll my eyes and say, “Don’t cry to us when your dick rots off because of some disease.” They both cover themselves and wince at the image.
I was nervous about Kristen being out of town because she and I have a routine in place, but I’m shocked everyone worked relatively well together today. After Luna finishes her shopping rounds, she comes back and helps as we get the brunch rush. We sell out around three p.m., which is about an hour before closing time, so we start to clean up and tear down.
I’m on my tiptoes, silently cursing myself for being so short, when I feel someone behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I peek at who it is, and without saying anything, Luke picks me up by my waist so I can reach the pin for the canopy.
“Uh, thank you,” I squeak out.
“My pleasure. I would have done it for you, but you were so close that you just needed a little boost,” he replies and then winks at me, leaving his hands on my waist a smidge longer than necessary before pulling away.
I stare at him like my brain is broken before I respond. “I’m vertically challenged. It’s not my fault everything is made for giants.”