Page 25 of Christmas Secrets

Angus narrowed his eyes at her. “Don’t tell me ye spent money on professional food.” Then the lightning struck and he groaned. “Dottie?”

Poppy sighed. “Yes, it must be Dottie’s. But neither you nor I are supposed to know about it, so please don’t say anything to Ben. This is something they have to sort out together.”

“I’d be doin’ some sortin’ all right,” Angus declared with a snort. “And it would start right over my lap. Since I already know about it, ye might as well tell me what it’s doin’ in our kitchen.”

Poppy nodded and sat down at the table. “Ben must have left it here accidentally.”

“Ben? What was Ben doin’ here?”

Determination lit up her pretty eyes. “That is part of his Christmas secret and I won’t be explaining that, Angus Sangster. You will find out soon enough.”

Angus lifted one eyebrow but he knew he was beat. Poppy wouldn’t tell him because no one had to tell their holiday secrets. He would never force her.

Christmas rules were sacred.

Chapter 7

Ainsley had put Darrothe third down for a nap and was playing Go Fish with Corey and Delilah, but her mind was on Dal. She hadn’t seen him except at a distance since he’d scolded her and walked away. She almost wished he’d hauled her out to the barn and just spanked her if it would bring his smile back. When he spotted her from afar, he would simply nod and turn away. For some odd reason, it really hurt. It was like he hadn’t accepted her apology. What more could she do though? She told him she was sorry; the next move was on him.

Lucerne told her today that Dal was off until after New Year’s Eve. He wasn’t an actual hand on the station, although he did help out a lot, so his services as veterinarian in training weren’t required through the holidays.

Lucerne’s sympathetic gaze made Ainsley feel even more sorry for herself but she tried to keep a stiff upper lip. Chances were, she wouldn’t see him again before she left for Boston. Classes started the second week in January and she wanted to get back, get prepared, and rest up a bit from the journey. Jet lag was tiring.

Thomas had called this morning but he seemed so vague and far away. He hadn’t really cheered her up much although she tried for his sake. Her mind strolled over her memories of their conversation. They had chatted about inconsequential things and then he’d suddenly pounced on her.

“What’s wrong, honey? You sound different. Aren’t you having a good time with your family this year?”

“Of course I am, Thomas,” she replied, trying to raise her spirits for his sake. “I’ll just be glad when the holiday is over and I can get back to Boston.”

There was silence for a moment. “Is that stalker vet in training still there? The one who you said was staring at you when you were riding Stardust?”

“Who?” she hedged. It was funny that he should unerringly focus on Dal.

“Don’t pretend you don’t know who I’m talking about.”

Ainsley sighed. Thomas was totally the jealous type and she wished she’d never mentioned Dal to him. “Aye, Dal is still here, although he’s off fer the rest of the holidays. I rarely see him.”