Page 26 of Christmas Secrets

Thomas grunted and she could picture his dark hair, hazel eyes, and handsome face watching her suspiciously in her mind’s eye. “Good. I’d hate to have to come to those god-forsaken outlander hills and kick his arse, as you Scots say, for looking at my girl.”

For a second, Ainsley didn’t know how to respond. The physical difference between the two men were like night and day. Thomas was dark and sleek, like a lean and predatory panther, while Dal was blond, muscled, and more like a lion with his broad chest build. Plus, he had three inches in height on Thomas. She was pretty sure Thomas wouldn’t be kicking Dal’s arse anytime soon, even if he was here. Then again, maybe she wasn’t being fair to Thomas. She knew he did some kickboxing with his workouts. Mayhap his reflexes were better than Dals.

“You aren’t talking, Ainsley. Does that mean you don’t think I can?” Thomas growled in her ear.

“Don’t be a jobber, Thomas,” she replied impatiently. “I may not have an interest in Dal but we aren’t engaged or anything, so it’s a moot point.”

“Have it your way...for now,” Thomas replied.

They had spoken for a few more minutes with Thomas sounding sulky so she’d finally rang off.

“It’s your turn Auntie Ainsley,” Corey piped up, his big blue eyes smiling up at her.

Ainsley’s thoughts slammed back to the present and she smiled at her nephew. “Ye have any threes?”

“Nay,” he replied with a giggle.

Her eyebrows went up. “Corey MacCandish, ye had a three a few minutes ago. I saw it when ye left your hand open fer anyone to see.”

“That’s cheating,” he blustered. “Ye aren’t supposed to look at the other player’s cards.”

“Technically it’s not cheating if ye don’t protect your hand, Corey,” Delilah piped up while looking down her nose at her younger brother. “Angus says to play yer cards close to yer vest. Like this.” She held her cards close to her chest where only she could peek at them.

Corey cocked his head sideways. “But I don’t wear a vest. Besides, Angus says only cheaters look.”

“It’s a figure of speech, Corey,” Ainsley inserted. “It just means hold them close to yer body.”

“Then why didn’t Angus just say that?” he huffed. “Besides, Dee just asked me fer the three so that means ye weren’t paying attention.”

Ainsley laughed. Her niece and nephew were always a fun time. Especially Corey with his endless questions and his way of taking things at face value. Nothing subtle about the lad. There was no doubt that the all-knowing Delilah was firmly in charge of the duo, and she didn’t hesitate a moment to correct her brother when necessary. She was nine to Corey’s seven and they were both blond-haired, blue-eyed, and smart as whips. “Ye caught me ye little rascal. Can I ask fer another card then?”

He shook his head. “Nay, ye don’t get two turns, only one at a time.” His little face was dead serious. “Right, Dee?” He’d always called her Dee because he couldn’t quite get Delilah out when he was first learning to talk.

Delilah appeared to be thinking it over before she spoke. “Well...we could give her another chance since it’s Christmas. It would be the nice thing to do.”

“Like an early Christmas present?” Corey asked eagerly.

Delilah agreed. “Sure, like an early Christmas present.”

“It will be our secret and we won’t tell Angus we cheated.” Corey beamed at Ainsley.

Ainsley couldn’t help but laugh. “Aye, there are lots of secrets at Christmas.”

Corey’s eyes turned sly. “I know one of Dal’s secrets,” he boasted.

Ainsley’s heart skipped a beat. “Do ye now? Are ye going to share?” She leaned in close to Corey, her pulse picking up.

Delilah entered the conversation. “We aren’t supposed to give away secrets, Corey.”

His little brows ran down to a frown. “He told us, so it’s only secret fer his friend,” he replied. “Since we don’t know his friend, it’s okay to share it.”

“Mayhap,” Delilah said slowly. “I guess it’s okay, since he isn’t even going to be back until after Christmas. Maybe he took his present with him.”

Ainsley picked up her cards. “If ye aren’t going to share, then let’s finish this game. The baby will be waking up soon.”

“It’s a snow globe,” Corey announced with shining eyes.

“Aye, and it’s really pretty,” Delilah added. “It has a little house that looks like ours inside it. Isn’t that amazing?”