Page 24 of Christmas Secrets

He nodded. “Aye, I do. I find I’m very curious as to how they are made. I’ve actually enjoyed the simple things ye have taught me so far, Poppy. I never thought I would, but now that I’ve tried a few things, I don’t mind it.”

She chuckled. “Finish your coffee then, and we’ll get started. You are going to be here fer a while.”

“ Clootie Dumplings freeze well?”

“Yes, they do. Most things freeze well, especially food already prepared. It makes it a lot easier to prepare a head and a great way to save left-overs.”

Ben swallowed the last of his coffee and stood up. “I’m ready. Wash hands first, right?”

Poppy chuckled. “You are a fast learner.”

Ben tried to set aside the shock and dismay of finding that awful receipt. His gut told him Dottie had done it, but he would give her the benefit of the doubt before he gave her a good spanking for spending that kind of money without checking with him first. They had a budget in place that they both agreed on and adhered to. Why had she done this?

He couldn’t think of a good enough answer to justify her actions, and this time she wouldn’t be allowed to put him off when he asked questions. Something had led her down this road and he wanted to know exactly what it was. She would stay over his lap until he got down to the bottom line of truth, whatever that might be.

No more deceit.


Angus opened the doorto his home and sniffed the air in appreciation. “Cripes, somethin’ smells good around here,” he said when he spied Poppy in the kitchen.

Poppy whirled around, looking startled to see him. “Angus, what are you doing here?” she exclaimed.

“Can’t a man surprise his wife with a visit over lunch?” he teased as he stripped off his outer gear and padded over for a kiss. “Why are ye lookin’ so guilty, lass? Someone hidin’ in yer closet?”

Poppy blushed and put her arms around his neck. “Of course not. I wouldn’t put him in the closet, the shower would be a lot better.” She reached up and kissed him on the lips with a giggle.

Angus landed a sharp spank on her backside. “Saucy brat,” he growled, taking her mouth for a deeper kiss.

Poppy just melted more into him and he rubbed the sting out and patted her bum. “What are ye cookin’? It smells like Clootie Dumplin’s.”

“It is Clootie Dumplings,” she replied. “For the Sangster Christmas party.”

Angus got the distinct impression she was hiding something from the twinkle in her eye, but he couldn’t see what it would be at the moment. “Did ye have anythin’ in mind fer lunch? Lucerne was itchin’ to get out of the house because she hasn’t been out since she came home from the hospital. Darro took her into town fer a few last-minute things and Ainsley is watchin’ the baby and the other two. All of which leaves me on my own fer lunch today.”

“I’m just finishing the dishes but I have some sausage and cabbage rolls from last night if you want to reheat them for us,” she replied.

“Aye, I’d be happy to.” After putting the glass dish into the microwave on reheat, he grabbed some paper plates and silverware to put on the table. “What else have ye been up to today? Anythin’ I should know about?” He was actually teasing her but when the pink started creeping into her cheeks, he was instantly alert.

“Not much,” she replied, turning her back on him to put the last pan in the bottom of the cabinet.

Her bum in the air was too good a target to pass up so he swatted her firmly and then turned her around to face him when she gasped and popped up. “Yer blushin’, lass, and that means ye have been up to somethin’. What is it?”

Suddenly she folded her arms and took on that stubborn look that meant she wasn’t talking. “It’s a secret, I can’t tell you.”

“Is it a Christmas secret?”

She nodded, her brown eyes now twinkling. “That it is, so don’t ask me anymore about it.”

“Is it fer me?” he asked with a sly grin.

She laughed at him. “Angus, you are just like a kid. Not everything is about you, my dear husband.”

The microwave dinged behind him and he turned around to take out the sausage rolls. That’s when he spied the crumpled-up piece of paper sitting by the biscuit jar. Curious, he picked it up. “What’s this?”

Poppy tried to grab it from him, but he held it above her head as he studied it. Then his eyes popped. “Is this what I think it is?”

“That’s not something you were supposed to see,” she replied indignantly.