What would it be like to climb up a man like that? A guy with that build could manhandle the hell out of me. Not that I want to be manhandled. Well, that’s a lie, but just because I want it doesn’t mean I’m going to go after it. It’s better to be single. No one to answer to, fight with, or worry about.
The man turns around, and my entire body goes rigid as he looks directly at me, his relaxed expression instantly turning dark and stormy.
What the hell is Kieran doing here? Fuck. I can’t get away from this guy. He’s everywhere. In my business, barking orders at me, saying the most maddening things. He might be my best friend’s brother, but the man is a pain in my ass. And he’s making his way over to me.
I don’t miss the way the crowd parts for him like he’s some sort of king walking through his kingdom. Although compared to most of the people in the room, Kieran is definitely one of the biggest. He might be an aggravating asshole, but he’s freaking gorgeous in his head-to-toe black suit. Terrifying too.
His deep voice is velvety and firm, full of dominance. And arrogance.
“Kieran.” I tip my head back to look up at him.
“What areyoudoing here?”
Narrowing my eyes, I gesture toward the room. “I was invited. I work for the guy whose party this is. What are you doing here?”
Because he definitely doesn’t work for anyone here. And I’m a little surprised anyone here would be friends with him, considering he’s in the mafia. Maybe he’s here with a date.
That realization has me straightening to look around. Why my stomach suddenly feels tight, I have no idea.
“I’m here because John Boldt runs my investment portfolio, and we’ve worked together for years.”
Investment portfolio?
“You’re in the mafia.” Shit. I probably shouldn’t have said that out loud in a room full of people. Fuck. I look around, relieved to see no one is paying any attention.
When I look up at Kieran, though, he’s glaring at me. “So what, because I’m in the mafia I can’t have investments? Not everything I do is illegal, Paisley.”
Awesome. We’ve been in each other’s presence for two minutes, and I’ve already pissed him off. I should start timing it so I can shoot for new records.
“What can I get for you?”
I glance at the bartender to find that it’s my turn. Without saying anything to Kieran, I step up to the bar and smile sweetly. “Can I have a double martini, please?”
“Jesus.” Kieran has moved up beside me and is shaking his head.
“What?” I demand.
He shrugs and watches the bartender mix my drink. “Nothing. A whiskey, neat.”
Irritation flashes through me. “Would it kill you to say please? Or ask a little nicer?”
Our drinks are set in front of us. Kieran picks up his and smells it before he downs the entire thing and taps the bar to get another. The bartender doesn’t even hesitate before he pours more of the amber-colored liquid into the glass.
“I’m not the kind of man who asks, princess. I’m also not nice. But I do reward good behavior.”
Then, he smirks at me right before he slaps a hundred-dollar bill onto the bar top and walks away, leaving me staring at his backside once again.
What. A. Dick.
I grab my martini and move to an empty high-top table. Why does that man have to be so irritating? He treats his sister like she walks on water, but he seems to hate me. Well, that’s not totally true. He did help me move some of my stuff from the townhouse into Chloe and Bash’s place. And he told me to wear my seatbelt one day as I was leaving, so he doesn’t want me to die at least.
What did he mean by he rewards good behavior? Who says that? And more importantly, why did my pussy clench when he said it? Why does my body react in ways that are totally opposite from my brain? Again, totally aggravating.