My best friend cackles and quickly covers her mouth, her eyes wide. “He’s silly. Go! Enjoy your bath.”
Narrowing my gaze, I look around the kitchen. “Did you guys eat some brownies or something? Or are you drunk?”
Bash’s shoulders shake as he chuckles. “No. We’re fine, Pais. Promise. Go relax.”
Maybe I’m so tired that I’m imagining their strange behavior. Whatever it is, I’m not going to stay here and analyze it.
“Okay, well, goodnight,” I say as I turn around, then glance back at them. “Oh, also, I’ll be out tomorrow night for a work event. Just wanted to let you know because I’ll probably get home late.”
“Okay. Night!” Chloe calls out in a chipper voice.
I shake my head as I leave them in the kitchen. When I walk into my bedroom, the air feels different. A faint scent that I recognize lingers around me, but I can’t put my finger on what it is. My shoulders relax, though, and I can breathe for the first time today. There’s something about my room that always makes me feel safe. Maybe it’s because I never had one of my own until I was an adult.
Decision made, I leave my workbag on my bed and start stripping out of my clothes on the way to the bathroom,gathering them in my arms as I go. But as soon as I step onto the heated tile floor and flip on the light, I come to a halt.
Set up on the edge of the enormous tub, large enough for at least two people, is a bottle of wine in an ice bucket, complete with a glass and about a dozen Hershey Kisses. And right next to that is a yellow rubber duckie that instantly makes me smile.
What the hell? There’s a note attached to the bottle. I drop my clothes on the floor and move closer, recognizing the chicken-scratch writing.
Since you won’t give me the names of who bothered you so I can make them go away, maybe this will help you forget about them.
Rolling my lips in, I stare at the small piece of paper, unable to decide whether I want to kill him for coming into my space or hug him for being so thoughtful.
Ah. That’s why Chloe and Bash were acting weird. They knew. Oh, God. How awkward. How does that look with Kieran coming here and going up to my room? Fuck, he was in my room. Did I leave any panties out? Or worse, my vibrator?
I rush out of the bathroom and drop my shoulders. Thank goodness. That scent surrounds me again. It’s Kieran’s cologne. I’ve loved it since the first night I met him when he lectured me in an alley behind a bar. It was the same night we decided we hated each other. But damn, he smelled edible, and I’ve tried to avoid sniffing him ever since.
Before I go back into the bathroom, I grab my phone from my bag. I might kill the man for coming into my bedroom, but for the moment, I’m going to enjoy a good soak with some wine, chocolate, and music. And a rubber duckie.
If my dress gets any tighter, my tits are going to spill out of the top. I really need to stop eating so many damn cookies. But chocolate, coconut, and caramel? They’re like crack. I’ll probably have to go to Cookies Anonymous to get off those things, but I’m not quite sure it’s worth it. Maybe going a size up on my dresses would be a better option. Yeah, I like that idea. Besides, as long as I don’t lean forward too much, my boobs look pretty great. It might be worth not being able to breathe. Oxygen is overrated anyway.
I pull my favorite red lipstick from my clutch and carefully swipe it over my lips, touching up where it’s faded slightly. There’s just something about a vampy red lipstick that makes a woman feel sexy. And I need to feel that way more than ever right now. Why is every woman at this party so much prettier than me?
I’m not a classic beauty. My natural gothic appearance has always been how I look. Black hair, dark eyes, and pasty skin are what I was blessed with. Usually, I love my look, but on nights like this, when every other woman around is gorgeous with glowing golden skin, highlighted hair, and is perfectly put together, I doubt myself a little more than usual.
I didn’t really want to come tonight in the first place. Why did the CEO of my firm think he should invite everyone to his anniversary party? It’s weird if you ask me, but I wasn’t going to be the only employee who didn’t show. Especially with a promotion on the line.
Letting out another sigh, I fiddle with my hair, adjusting a bobby-pin here and there to keep my updo nice and secure. Idon’t know how Chloe did it, but it looks gorgeous. I’m definitely going to make her do my hair more often.
“Okay. You can do this. Stay for an hour, make sure the CEO sees you, then get the hell out of here so you can go home and watch Frozen while eating ice cream in bed.”
Right. Talking to myself in the mirror about going home and watching a Disney movie isn’t strange. Good thing there’s only a towel attendant in here, and I spoke quietly enough that I’m hoping she didn’t hear. The counters are decorated with an array of fancy soaps, feminine products, makeup products still in the packaging, and miniature sewing kits. I’ve never seen such a fancy place to pee. Might be more fun to hang out in here with the towel lady. Wishful thinking.
I ignore the pain shooting through my feet from my heels, square my shoulders, and head out to the party. I should have dragged Chloe here with me tonight, but getting her away from Bash for more than five minutes is like pulling teeth. Besides, if she came with me, we’d be escorted by an army of guards, and the less attention I draw to myself, the better.
With a relaxed smile plastered on my face, I move through the crowd toward theopen bar. I might not be thrilled about being here, but the free top-shelf liquor will help. I can get drunk in an hour. Which is why I took a car service instead of driving.
Way to think ahead, Paisley. High-five.
Smiling to myself, I step into line and look around while I wait. It’s a black-tie affair, so everyone is dressed in expensive suits and dresses. It feels more like a networking party than an anniversary party, but that seems to be how the wealthy do it. Always looking to meet new connections.
Servers mill around the room with silver platters, offering fancy finger foods that I definitely can’t pronounce nor do I want to eat. Snails? Yeah, no thanks. Hard pass.
My gaze lands on someone in the crowd, and a shiver runs down my spine. The man’s back is to me, but even from behind, he’s intimidating. Tall and broad. He definitely had to have his suit tailored to fit his shoulders. There’s no way he bought off the rack.