Paisley looks phenomenal. All those curves wrapped up in that skintight black dress. Her lush tits are on display for every man in the room to see. It shouldn’t piss me off. I shouldn’t want to throw her over my shoulder like a caveman and haul her out of here. It’s all I can do not to pull my gun and shoot every guy who looks at her for more than a second. But if I did that, it would just give her one more reason to hate me. Somehow, she’d find fault in me killing a bunch of assholes to keep them from gawking at her like she’s their prize.
I don’t blame them for staring. Hell, I haven’t been able to take my eyes off her since she entered the room. It pisses me off.
Last night when I showed up at Chloe’s with a bottle of wine, chocolate, and that damn rubber duck I grabbed at the last second, my sister was so fucking smug. She followed me up to Paisley’s room and asked a dozen questions that I completely ignored about why I was there and why I was doing something nice for Paisley. I didn’t give her any answers because I didn’t have any. I felt bad that she’d had a rough day. She’s been working non-stop, and I have a feeling she’s been putting her own self-care on the back burner. If she were mine, I’d run hera bath every damn night and force her to take time for herself. Thank God she’s not mine. I’d go completely gray before I turn fifty.
A man approaches her, a big, goofy smile on his face. I’d like to wipe it clean off. His suit is perfectly tailored, but the thick layer of gel in his hair has slimy bastard written all over it.
The last fucking thing I wanted to do tonight was come to this party. Now, I should send a thank you card for the invitation so I can watch over the little brat who’s laughing at whatever the bastard just said.
I’m leering at them like a creep, and my own men who came with me tonight have even stopped engaging with me because I’m too damn focused on her.
She’s not my type. Strong-willed, sassy, defiant, pain-in-the-ass women are not what I like. I like submissive and compliant. Obedient. She’s none of those damn things. Yet, I’ve jerked off more times than I’d like to admit while thinking of her on her knees before me.
The slimy asshole reaches out and touches a piece of loose hair framing her face. I’m crossing the room before I think better of it. People part for me, sending curious glances my way. On the surface, the party is beautiful. A small orchestra plays classical music on the stage. People are laughing and drinking champagne without a care in the world. They don’t know that my blood is boiling and I’m barely holding onto my temper. That the guy who just touched her has a death wish.
Paisley’s eyes flick to me as I approach, her eyebrows rising in surprise. The idiot gives me a brief glance and then does a double take, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows.
“Kieran,” Paisley murmurs, her gaze lingering on my deadly expression.
Fuck. What am I doing? She’s not mine. I have no right to come over here and scare this guy away. No right to feel jealousabout another man touching her. I won’t deny my attraction. She’s one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever laid eyes on. I don’t have feelings for her, though. We dislike each other.
Swallowing my rage, I shoot a glare toward the asshole, then look back at Paisley. “I just came to check on you. You good?” My voice is harsher than normal, and she notices. Her dark brown eyes move slightly as she studies me, confusion pinching her eyebrows.
“I’m fine,” she finally says, glancing at the slimy fucker.
The air between the three of us is heavy and awkward. I’m intruding, but I don’t want to leave because I don’t want her to be alone with him again. Or with any man, for that matter.
She motions to the guy. “Uh, this is Lars. We work together.”
Yeah, I fucking bet they do. And I bet Lars stares at her ass all day instead of doing his job.
“Nice to meet you.” Lars sticks out his hand, and a sick sense of satisfaction runs through me when it trembles slightly.
I reach out and shake it, making sure to apply enough pressure to make the point that I could snap his neck with one hand.
The awkwardness returns, and Lars starts to rub the back of his neck. It’s not unusual for me to make people nervous. Even dressed in a suit, the tattoos on the backs of my hands are visible. I’m a monster clothed in Armani, and any smart man can see that. I’m not sure Lars is very smart.
“So, Paisley, we should get out of here and go have a drink,” he offers.
Yeah, not fucking smart at all.
“She’s not going anywhere with you,” I growl, low and deadly.
Paisley whips around in shock, her mouth hanging open. “That is not your decision to make, you big buffoon.” She turns back to Lars and scoffs. “You’ll have to excuse him. He’s beenliving in a cave all his life and is just now learning how to act in society. My best friend is his sister, and he thinks it’s his job to boss me around.”
Lars lets out a nervous laugh and looks around the room, his eyes brightening when he sees someone to use as an escape. “Oh, look, Chuck is waving me over. See you later, Paisley.”
Then he’s gone, crossing the room to an older man with a thick mustache and round belly. Paisley scowls at the man, which is surprising since she’s surely going to rip me to shreds for what I just did.
“Who is that asshole?”
She slowly twists until she’s looking up at me, and her glare deepens. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
I shrug and quirk my mouth. “Absolutely nothing. My mother had me tested.”
She doesn’t even crack the slightest smile at myBig Bang Theoryreference, but the sparkle in her eyes is enough to tell me she got it.
“You need to go back to your gangster friends, hang out with them, and leave me alone,” she hisses under her breath.