Murderous fury erupts in my chest, burning away my naïve levity like a feather next to the sun. My Rush blazes within me. Turning my blood into a boiling sea of rage, I charge across the grassy hill.I will render these callous Magaxus puppets and their masters asunder.

The world becomes a blur of my heavy breaths and rushing wind as I hurtle forward with deadly resolve. Time seems to bend, yielding to my urgent need to reach my Pebbles. I’m closer now to see the Prospect kicking a knife from Pebbles’ hand as she tiredly tries to fend him off, but not close enough to do anything about it.

I will not make it in time!

Faster and harder I push, desperate to reach Pebbles. As my misty purple eyes fixate on the terrible unfolding scene, thered-haired warrior roughly drops on top of Pebbles’ stomach, yanking her head forward. He flashes his claws before her eyes. His mouth moves, speaking some words, but I do not hear them. Only the roaring wave of adrenaline pumping through my veins can be heard.

Very close now.

The Prospect’s sadistic desire to torture Pebbles saves her life and seals his fate as I deliver a crushing frontal kick into his chest, sending him spiraling off Pebbles onto the rocky ground before the stairwell of Sunaisor. Frantically, I glance down at my love. She is still breathing but only semi-conscious. Sadness threatens to dampen my rage. Seeing her so bruised and battered, with bloody bandages on her face, my heart aches, but ruthlessly, I crush the emotions. The threat remains, the Prospect that is a sadistic mockery of my people made flesh.

The red-haired Prospect rises to his feet. His head is a bloody network of cuts, gashes, and a wound in his right thigh.Pebbles fought well!My opponent traces a finger over a large dent in his chest plate, his eyes widen in surprise at the result of my brutal kick.

“Back off! She’s mine to play with!” he shouts as his brown eyes mist in defiance.

The Prospect charges, lost to his blood lust, worse than the beasts that stalk these woods. As he rushes closer, he strains with his claws, reaching for my face. With my Rush roaring within me, his labored movements appear to drift like a leaf in the wind. I glide swiftly to his side and strike with a precise lightning-fast stab down into his temple.

“She belongs to me!” I roar as my claws punch straight through the skull of the fallen Prospect. His momentum carries his lifeless body crashing to the earth.

Wasting no time, I rush to cradle Pebbles’ tiny head on my lap. The sight of her so abused nearly brings me to tears. “Mybeautiful Pebbles, can you hear me? Please wake up!” I plea, stroking her soft brown hair gently. Frantically, I scan her body for signs of wounds. Her armor is a testament to the many attacks she has withstood, enormous claws marks rendered into the side, countless scrapes and dents litter the once gleaming golden plates.Praise the mercy of Machsin that you yet live, my sweet Pebbles.

Thankfully, there don’t appear to be any outwardly fatal wounds, and I can only hope her insides remain intact.I’ll get her to the healing pods as soon as she completes the Proving.I stroke her fine hair, as her chest slowly rises and falls, her soft breathing a relief and a wonder to hear after being apart for so long. It’s amazing to think the tiny female in my arms had survived three Klendathian Prospects, slain Xyronath the Shadowstalker, all while making it Sunaisor.

Her rhythmic breathing and soft snoring are soothing as she gently stirs in my arms.Take as much time as you need, my love. I am here to protect you.I lose track of time, just content to sit with the wind in my hair and my female in my arms… until something I had assumed was a large boulder to the right turns its feathered and furry body groggily, trying to rise before collapsing once more.

My eyes widen in shock at the sight of the brutonous chick.So, the mother had hatched chicks.The thought brings a smile to my lips, knowing the incredibly rare animals still persevered.This chick must have followed Pebbles—that explains the strange claw marks on Xyronath!Staring down into the beautiful soft features of Pebbles, I can’t help but wonder what tales she has to tell.

“Kro… Krogoth, is that you? I was just thinking about you,” Pebbles murmurs drowsily. I meet her half-opened eyes with a smile. “Remember that silly purple tuxedo you wore?” Her chuckle, though brief, elicits a pained wince.

“I do. You told me you’d rather have the real me.” I smile, looking down at my bare chest, suddenly recalling the fact I’m practically naked. “You’ve got more of me than you could ever wish for now,” I jest, smiling softly.

Pebbles laughs, though discomfort contorts her expression, causing her to clutch her ribs. “Oh, Krogoth, don’t make me laugh. It hurts too much,” she pleads, her voice growing clearer with each word.

“I never imagined the afterlife would be so painful,” Pebbles whispers, her hazel eyes widening in realization as they lock onto my face. “Is it really you? It’s so good to see your handsome face again.” She delicately brushes aside a strand of my long hair from my cheek.

“I would storm the very gates of the netherworld for you,” I declare, rubbing my nose against hers, taking in her scent again, before placing a tender kiss on her forehead. “Because I love you.”

Pebbles struggles to sit up and embrace me in a hug. She clutches on, squeezing me as tight as she can manage. Having her delicate warmth within my arms fills me with the urge to love and protect her forever. Gently stroking her head, my heart swells with the love I hold for her.

After a moment, Pebbles trembles with soft sobs. “I’m so sorry, Krogoth, I failed,” she murmurs between breaths, her voice teeming with emotion. “I fought with every fiber of my being, I swear, but it wasn’t enough. I’ve let everyone down. They were all rooting for me to succeed, but even with their support, I wasn’t strong enough.” Her words tumble out amidst tears.

I brush the tears from her eyes and cheeks. “Nonsense Pebbles. I’ve followed your trail for days, seen the things you have done, the dangers you have endured. No one could have dared ask more from you… By the Gods, you survived threeProspects hunting you and slain Xyronath, while reaching the very gates of Sunaisor. The first off-worlder in history to do so! So, lift your head and stand tall with pride. You’ve gained great honor as a warrior at this Proving,” I say, gazing into her moist eyes.

She squeezes me tighter. “I’m retiring from being a warrior. I was so frightened, every morning waking not knowing if it’d be my last. Being chased by gigantic monsters trying to eat me, fucking horrible bugs poisoning me. Crazy lunatics firing plasma blasts at me… Never again. Just promise me you’ll never leave me again,” she pleads, gazing up at me.

Her notion of retiring from being a warrior amuses me, knowing now that it runs in her blood, like saying she’s retiring from enjoying food. Her skills, her survival instincts, will always be there, ready to be honed to a razor’s edge. However, right now, all I desire is to comfort her and ease her worries. “By the Gods, I swear to always be by your side,” I promise, meaning every word. Never again will I let her face such terrible dangers alone.

Pebbles smiles faintly. “Thanks, Krogoth,” she says, before slowly rising to her feet on unsteady legs, using my shoulder for support. “You know I didn’t do it for honor or for glory. I did it to save you,” she says, concern blooming on her face. “Is that why you are here? Is this part of the Proving?” She scans the surroundings as if seeking other people.

“No… in my solitude in the bowels of the Peaks of Scarn, I was assaulted by endless visions of your death,” I confess tentatively, searching her face for any trace of disbelief. “On my ancestors, I swear these were no mere fevered dreams, but a warning of things to come.”

Pebbles plays with her Elerium necklace in thought. Emboldened by her lack of reaction, I continue.

“The visions only abated once I broke free from my bonds, and as quick as any have traveled on foot before I, arrived here to find you on the verge of death. I don’t know if it is our bond or the Gods themselves that warned me, but had I not acted, those terrible visions would have come to pass.” The telling makes me feel anxious knowing how crazy the words must sound.

“I believe you,” Pebbles says, limping slowly forward, using my shoulder for support. “This might sound strange, but when the white venefex—Xyronath—knocked me down the waterfall. I saw something…”

She pauses, taking a deep breath, her gaze drifting away, lost in recollection.