“No!” escapes me as Cupcake slumps to the ground, unconscious or worse.
Summoning all my strength, I rise on unsteady legs, brandishing my knife with defiance, chest heaving as I struggle to regain my breath.
The Klendathian’s face is a grotesque canvas of brutal gashes and deep scrapes, the side of his head laid bare to the bone. Despite the terrible wounds, he seems unaffected by pain. Hisbrown eyes mist as he lazily pulls the venefex tooth from his leg, tossing it to the side.
My arms and legs feel heavy. A deep burning ache blooms deep within my muscles. The collective wear and tear of many desperate battles over the past week means I need to finish this quickly. Moving closer to the towering adversary, I unleash a rapid flurry of slashes, aiming for his face. Despite landing a few cuts on his chest armor, his brutal punch smashes through my damaged armor into my stomach, expelling the air from my lungs and folding me over in excruciating pain.
My vision blurs as I struggle to draw in air through wheezing breaths. His mocking laughter rings in my ears. As I attempt to straighten myself, he delivers a powerful kick into my side, a wave of agony surging through my ribs, forcing me prone onto the ground.
It can’t end like this! It won’t! I raise my knife in a trembling hand, a final desperate act of defiance. He effortlessly kicks the blade from my grip.I’m sorry, Krogoth, I tried my best. But it wasn’t good enough.
I’m faintly aware of a heavy weight sitting on my stomach. I think it’s the red-haired monster, but it’s hard to tell. Everything feels surreal and blurry, like I’m drifting off into a comforting dream.
“I think we’ll start with your eyes,” a voice declares, a glint of something sharp in my fading sight, but my mind wonders back to happier times when Krogoth wore those silly clothes on our date. The memory brings a smile to my lips.
Goodbye, my love.
Chapter 23
Enemy at the gates
Descending the steep muddyterrain, I nearly slip and fall in my haste to reach Pebbles, fearing she lies smashed beneath the crushing waterfall.Would the Gods be so cruel to snatch her away as she was so close to victory and my protecting embrace?
Night surrenders to the advancing morning light, casting aside the shadows under the triumphant rays of the sun. Its emerging glow brings a glimmer of hope, affording me a swift descent and a better chance to find her tracks. As I reach the base of the steep decline, the land levels out once more, urging me to sprint toward the thunderous base of the waterfall.
My eyes dart frantically for any sign, any indication that she might have passed through. The roar of the cascading waterfrom above is overpowering, drowning out any potential sound she might be making. Scanning the riverbanks, I catch sight of something—some material drifting leisurely along the bank. Preparing myself for the worst, I hasten to the object.
I breathe a great sigh of relief and the tension leaves my body, as I realize it’s just a bag and not my sweet Pebbles floating along the riverbank. Reaching into the waters, I yank the red and orange camouflage satchel out.This must belong to Pebbles, but how did she get it past inspection?A quick examination reveals nothing out of the ordinary, no clues about Pebbles’ whereabouts or condition. Frustration gnaws at me as I sling the bag over my shoulder and resume my search along the riverbank.
My confidence grows, knowing she came this way.But in what condition?The question gnaws mercilessly at the back of my mind. My eyes scan every nook and cranny of the riverbank, finding nothing, not knowing if that bodes well or ill.
I call out into the empty expanse, only to be answered by the raucous squawks of razorbill birds, heightening my anxiety. As the river dwindles further, it diminishes into a series of trickling streams. But there is no sign of her.If she had washed up on these banks, surely I would have seen her by now.
My nose twitches, inhaling the air and picking up her fragrant, intoxicating scent again. It’s mingled with the metallic scent of blood. I dash in a blur of motion towards the source, my heart pounding in my chest, leading me along the small running stream into a dark tunnel of raised mounds of soil.
The surroundings give me pause. This is the perfect place for an ambush, but I push the thought aside, eager to reach Pebbles quickly. While battling the worry about what terrible secrets may lie amidst the darkened tunnels, my eyes adjust tothe darkness with only a small sliver of light streaking in from above.
The red glow from bioluminescent insects cast an eerie light in the dark passage, barely highlighting the chunks of fallen rock and soil littered amongst the ground. Lightly, I step over the debris, cautious and alert for any danger. My eyes scan the opening overhead, as any trap will come from up above.
Every step brings with it the potent scent of blood, overpowering and replacing the sweet scent of Pebbles, causing my heart to be gripped with concern. Casting caution aside, I sprint towards the source as quickly as my legs will carry me.
Moments pass as I come before the colossal collapsed form of a white furred venefex that almost completely blocks the narrow passageway. My chest heaves with anxious breaths as I examine the scene. I struggle to drag the monster’s limbs, to check under its massive paws and head, finding no sign of Pebbles.Thank the Gods she survived!
As my panic fades, I inspect the hallowing display before me. Recognition dawns on me, looking in the single remaining huge red eye of the venefex.Could it really be Xyronath?For centuries, the seasoned warriors frighten the Prospects with tales of Xyronath the Shadowstalker. The colossal, scarred face of the white venefex was said to have devoured dozens of Prospects. That if it picked up your scent, it was better to throw yourself off a cliff than face the unstoppable hunger of the beast.
I scarcely believed the tales, thinking them nothing more than a jest to frighten the overly confident Prospects, but here he is in the flesh, laying defeated at the hands of my tiny Pebbles. Pride blooms in my chest, and a strange giddiness washes over me. Soon, everyone in Draxxi will hear that my sweet tiny Pebbles was the one to slay Xyronath! Such honor and glory she has won in her Proving.
The three prongs of a spear lay embedded inside the great venefex jaws, penetrating straight into the back of its head.Much bravery to brace such an attack.The spear shaft lies broken split into pieces upon the yellow blood-stained ground. The beast also has curious wounds on the back of its neck, shoulders and along its side. Large chunks of flesh have been torn out.A scavenger, perhaps? I’ll need to be on my guard.
Running my hand over the venefex wounds, the yellow blood and gore still carries with it a faint warmth.This happened recently.I am so flooded with excitement and joy, a short laugh escapes me, knowing that Pebbles is alive and may at this very moment be inside Sunaisor completing her Proving. Wasting no more time, I hurry off past the glorious, gory scene.
I exit the dark tunnel and I’m greeted by the bright sun overhead. A grassy hill sprawls before me, and from memory, Sunaisor is not far on the other side. Cresting the hill, I spy a red-haired Prospect sinking a brutal kick into the ribs of a prone, petite figure in battered golden armor.