“A woman of purple light came to me and told me to complete the cycle. I thought it was a dream, but it felt so real. Perhaps it’s just the bond and the stress messing with our heads?” She shrugs, uncertain.

Her revelation startles me. “Those were the very words spoken in my vision!” I exclaim, halting as I look into Pebbles’ widening eyes. “Also, the visions showed you equipped in the Nu’warian armor, a fact I had no way of knowing until now, seeing you wearing it,” I explain in a rush, convinced we’ve been visited by the Gods themselves.

“This is freaky, Krogoth. Are you saying your Gods are trying to help us?” Pebbles inquires, turning to me for clarification.

I shift my gaze to the entrance of Sunaisor, the purple sun and almost full moon above on either side looming like watchful eyes.

“Yes, I believe they are.”

Chapter 24



“Let’s not keep themwaiting,” I reply, uncertain what to believe. Leaning on Krogoth for support, I move towards the ancient stone stairs of Sunaisor. Suddenly the memory of poor Cupcake being kicked unconscious prompts me to change course. With each step towards her, a jolt of agony pierces my mind.I’m no doctor, but if I’d bet money a couple of my ribs are broken.

The sight of Cupcake collapsed stings my eyes with tears, filling me with dread that the worst has happened. She fought so bravely to protect me many times, risking her life when I’ve offered her so little in return. I have no idea why she’s so loyal to me, but I owe my life to her.I’ll never forgive myself if she died because of me.

I drag my battered body closer to her, gazing at Cupcake’s slow, rhythmic breathing. A sigh of relief escapes me and I smile despite the pain in my side as I reach down to ruffle her furry and feathered mane. “Such a good girl,” I murmur, hoping to stir her to consciousness.

“Is this brutonous hatchling your friend?” Krogoth inquires, eyeing Cupcake from top to bottom.

“A brutonous?” I echo, taken aback. “I guess so! Cupcake saved my life twice. I found her mother killed by venefexes and she’s been following me ever since,” I explain, running my hand over her broad chest.

“Then I owe her much.” Krogoth reaches for his strange scaly leather bag on his back, taking out a huge chunk of cooked meat. He kneels, waving the offering around Cupcakes muzzle. Her large broad nose twitches, snorting the air, examining the scent.

In an instant, Cupcake springs to her feet, albeit unsteadily, glancing around in a frenzy. A chuckle escapes my lips. “Of course, food wakes her. You’re a greedy little glutton, aren’t you?” I say, fluffing her maned neck.

Cupcake releases a low growl as her eyes lock onto Krogoth. “Woah, Cupcake, settle down,” I interject, attempting to calm my distressed companion with gentle caresses. Krogoth takes a cautious step back as she alternates her attention between him and me, growling while unfurling her wings, making herself appear imposing.

“She’s a fierce one,” Krogoth says, studying Cupcake with a critical eye. Both Cupcake and Krogoth are wary of one another, and it makes me nervous—I don’t want any harm to come to either of them! I hadn’t really considered Cupcake’s future after the Proving. Would she come live with us, or stay here living in the wild? Her mother was nearly the size of a mountain top, so I doubt we could stuff her into the huge hallway in Krogoth’shouse. “Here, little one,” Krogoth says as he throws the slab of meat at her feet.

Cupcake eagerly snatches the cooked meat, devouring it with gusto, yet her dark twinkling eyes remain watchful of Krogoth. “This name. Cupcake. Is this a great warrior or a mythical beast on Earth?” Krogoth inquires, his gaze shifting between Cupcake and me.

A faint blush tinges my cheeks, feeling a touch embarrassed about the silly name I’ve bestowed upon her. “Um… Not exactly. A cupcake is a small, sweet snack on earth. Seeing as she’s so fluffy and sweet, I thought it made sense,” I explain while gently stroking Cupcake’s feathery mane.

In response, Cupcake licks my face and nuzzles her feathered head against mine. “See how sweet she is?” I remark, and she responds with a deafening joyful bark that stiffens my spine. Watching her amble towards the fallen red-haired Prospect fills my heart with apprehension. “No, Cupcake, bad girl!” I protest.

As I feared, Cupcake rips and tears into the exposed head of the dead Prospect, eating shreds she’s peeled off. The revolting sight forces me to avert my eyes towards Krogoth. He watches the gruesome scene with unflinching eyes before turning to look at me. “Do Earth cupcakes also devour human flesh?” he teases, a faint smile playing on his lips.

My cheeks burn crimson as I struggle to respond. “Cupcake is a good girl. She’s just being protective because she saw that monster attack me,” I splutter, glancing over to see her clawing and muzzling between joints in the Prospect’s armor. “And she really loves meat,” I add with a shrug, hoping Krogoth won’t judge her harshly.

“What if she really loves Klendathian meat in particular?” Krogoth inquires, folding his huge, muscular arms. “Imagine her growing as large as a battlebarge swooping down and carrying off our Draxxus kinfolk.”

My lip trembles with despair. “No, Cupcake would never do that. I can’t abandon her, Krogoth, not after everything she’s done to help me. I trust her. There’s something special about her. She’s a lot smarter than she looks.” My words spill out in a rush, making my desperate plea. Cupcake betrays my efforts with a noisy belch that causes me to wince.

Krogoth remains still in silent contemplation for what feels like an eternity, my anxiety about Cupcake’s future building with each breath. “We’ll let the Gods decide,” he states finally, gesturing towards Cupcake. “If she follows you into the temple and the Gods bless your Proving, we should all be transported back to Draxxi. Then she can stay.”

“Thank you, Krogoth! I promise she’ll behave,” I assure him with my biggest smile, avoiding the temptation to jump for joy on account of my injuries. I turn to stroke Cupcake’s feathered back. “Isn’t that right, Cupcake? You’ll be the most well-behaved girl in the entire universe,” I coax, running my hand over her snow-white feathers. Confusion clouds Cupcake’s expression as she turns her head, her muzzle stained with gore.

Raising a skeptical eyebrow, Krogoth cautions me, his voice firm, “I pray it is so, Pebbles, because the hunters won’t hesitate to kill her if she attacks our clan brothers. And I warn you now, I will not forbid them from doing so.”

I dismiss the notion instantly. “It won’t come to that. Cupcake would only attack someone in my defense,” I say reassuringly.

Krogoth nods his head. “Now that’s settled. Come, it’s bad luck to keep the Gods waiting,” Krogoth declares, moving to my side and draping his massive arm around my waist for support. Cupcake instantly reacts, barking defensively at Krogoth.

“It’s fine, Cupcake! He’s always touching me,” I say with a chuckle. Cupcake visibly relaxes and even cautiously sniffs Krogoth’s hand as he gently reaches to stroke the dark undersideof her mane. I breathe a sigh of relief, seeing the two of them building some trust in each other.