Page 18 of Hidden Chance

“Just the little things I’ve picked up here and there.”

“Do you mind?” He held it out to her. “I’m not sure what we’re going for.”

“You’re really that helpless?” She hadn’t intended on flirting with a stranger tonight but found it lifted her spirits.

“I am. I really am.”

She tipped her head to the side but gave it a pinch while leaving it in his hand. “No, that’s too hard.” She checked several more in the pile before finding a good one. “Here. This one will do.”

He took it and compared the two. “Interesting. I can see what you mean. Thanks.”

“Not a problem. Enjoy.”

When she turned to go, he touched her arm to stop her. “Uh, I feel like I should thank you properly.”

“For helping you pick out a tomato?”

He twitched in embarrassment. It was surprisinglycharming. “When you say it like that…but no. You may not believe me, but I don’t usually try to pick up strangers in the grocery store. However, I’ve just moved into town. I wouldn’t mind making a friend if you’d like to get a coffee or something? I’m Robby, by the way. I don’t think I said that.”

She bit her lip. It was tempting, but Pike was right when he said she had high standards. She also didn’t believe that he’d never picked up a girl in the grocery store. It sounded like the type of thing someone would say who did regularly. Or maybe she was overly cynical. It didn’t matter. It was pointless leading this guy on.

“I’m Hannah.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Look, you seem like a nice enough person?—”


“But I’m not really in the market.”

“Not in the market for a friend?”

“That’s not why you’re asking me out.”

“Uh…no.” He scratched his cheek. “That is true. I do find you mildly attractive.”

“Mildly?” She feigned offense. She wouldn’t go out with him, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy herself.

“Well, I can’t just lead with ‘I spotted you the moment you walked in and had to meet you.’ That would be coming on too strong.”


“You really won’t just have a coffee? I’m not looking for love. Just someone to have a conversation with.”

“Sorry. I’m gonna have to give it a pass. But thereare plenty of nice women in the city. You’re charming and attractive. I’m sure you won’t have any trouble finding someone to have a coffee with.”

“Man, so you think I’m charmingandattractive and you still won’t go out with me? Remind me again why you’re turning me down?”

“I told you, I’m not in the market.”

“And that’s that?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“I think you might be the first woman to turn me down so decidedly.”

“So youdohave experience dating from the produce section.”