It was four o’clock when Robby checked his watch. He squeezed his eyes shut and struggled to open them again. He’d been watching the door for hours with no luck. Hannah must have let the man out another way. That meant his next course of action was to get close to her.
He stretched, then sent a text to Fletcher.
No luck on the man, I’m going after Hannah. Her file says she’s single. I’ll see if I can get to her that way.
A minute later, he received a reply. Not a surprise. Fletcher wasn’t much of a sleeper.
Until we’ve established a firmer connection between her and the militia, I want you to go gently. If she’s clean, we don’t need her heart torn to pieces again.
Thank you for thinking so highly of my skills.
Don’t get a big head about it. And remember what I said.
I’ll be a super nice guy. But only if that’s her type.
Chapter 6
Hannah enteredthe grocery store and stopped. Until that moment, she’d convinced herself to get a salad, but her brain hurt for multiple reasons.
Her anxiety about Sal had eased since he’d spent the last two nights sleeping safely. She’d checked both mornings and found the room tidier than when he’d arrived. He even went as far as folding the drop clothes before he left. It was a good sign that hopefully meant he was close to finding a way forward in life. It eased her stress about letting him stay since the cold nights were supposed to continue into the coming week.
Then there was the stress she felt about her position at work. She had to find a way to remind them that she wasn’t a stone in their shoe. Pike hadn’t helped matters as, earlier that day, he’d revisited her disaster of a meeting, making sure she focused on her priority of making herself invaluable to the company.
But what was bothering her the most was that she now doubted her ability to hear God’s voice. Maybe thiswas all part of His plan, but it felt more like she’d badly misread His direction and couldn’t trust herself to know what He wanted from her.
So now, she needed something more substantial than veggies to ease her pain. Tonight was going to be all about comfort food. A premade lasagna and a pint of ice cream should do the trick.
But as she turned away from the produce section, she veered back. She could get a cucumber at the very least. And maybe a couple of apples as well so she was at least making an attempt to have some health in her diet.
After collecting the apples, she picked up a cucumber and gave it a squeeze. It was soft, so she searched for another as a man stepped up next to her. She shifted sideways to give him more room when he reached for a tomato.
“Is that normal?” he said.
She looked at him. “I’m sorry?”
He smiled at her, and she couldn’t help but smile back. He was cute. Very cute. But she wasn’t looking.
“Sorry,” he said. “I’m talking to myself. I see people smell the produce all the time.” He sniffed his tomato. “I thought it would come naturally, but I’m not sure what it is I’m trying to decipher.”
“Uh, I’m pretty sure it should smell like a tomato.”
“Really? That’s all we’re going for here? I thought it was like wine connoisseurs savoring the intricacies of the aroma.”
“Maybe some do, but I think if you know what a tomato is supposed to smell like, you’re ahead of thegame.” She picked one up and smelled it for herself. “They don’t make them like they used to.”
“I have the distinct feeling you’re a closet expert. Please, Oh Wise One, provide to me your knowledge.”
She laughed and shook her head. “I don’t know that much.”
“I’m glad you laughed. I’m not usually a buffoon. It’s been a long day.”
“You too?”
“Seems to be going around.” He smelled another tomato. “So you think this one will do?”
“Well, the skin is red. Is the flesh soft to the touch?”
“So youarean expert!”