“No. The tomato was the first, and I am buying it. That’s not to say I haven’t asked girls on dates before.”
“And you’ve never gotten turned down?”
“Only by Jenny Topper in eighth grade. Broke my heart.”
“Rejection is good for the soul. Trust me.”
“Since when?”
She laughed. “Have a good night, Robby.”
“You too, Hannah. But I’ll warn you. If I run into you again, I’ve got questions about watermelons.”
“Thump it. It should have a deep hollow sound.” She waved as she left him behind.
Robby threw the tomato in the air, then caught it as he watched Hannah walk away. He could hear his team now when they heard the news that he’d failed in hisattempt to connect with her. It was a first, but he hadn’t come out emptyhanded. She’d wanted to say yes to him, but it was clear she wasn’t a woman who opened herself up easily. That meant she wouldn’t take kindly if he pushed too hard. Unfortunately, that didn’t leave a lot of options for getting close to her without giving away what he was after.
He pulled out his phone as he left the store and called his boss.
“Robby, I was just thinking about you. How’s the dating game going?”
“You’re not going to believe this, but she turned me down.”
Fletcher snickered. “It’s about time. Good looks don’t always get you what you want.”
“I’m devastated.”
“Sure you are. So what’s next? You going to try again?”
“That’s why I’m calling. I get the feeling she’s not the type to be pursued. I think it would drive her away.”
“Is stalking ever a good option?”
“Some women like to be chased. I don’t think Hannah is one of them. I’ll need another way in.”
“Any bright ideas?”
“I don’t know. I was hoping you might have something.”
“As a matter of fact, I’ve gotten ahead of you on this one.”
“You had no faith in my abilities?”
“You said yourself you thought there might be somepsychological issues with her. That couldn’t help her trust issues.”
“No. So, what are your thoughts?”
“I’ve had Green looking into it.”
“Sir, Green is a good soldier, but I don’t like his chances of getting close to Hannah. He doesn’t have the temperament for an assignment like that.”
“No kidding. That’s why I’ve had him looking into a new job for you.”
“Sir, please. This is one small setback. I’ll find a way in. You just have to give me time. It will be worth it.”
“Your new job is with TreadCraft.”
“You’re sending me in undercover?”