Page 55 of Scars and Burns

I place my palms flat on the ground. Pushing my magic out of me, willing the life to take form. I close my eyes and when I open them I see a flower blooming.

Sighing, I slump down. Same as before. And I don’t even know what species of flower it is. How can I grow something I’ve never even seen?

The flower has layers and layers of petals. The outer petals are the same purple hue of my eyes while the centers are soft black.

“Why are you the only thing I grow?”

I must have lost my mind because I’m talking to a plant.

Nevertheless, I smile at my work anyway. I twirl my hand over it, drizzling my magic down.

This might be the favorite development I’ve made in my magic. I’ve been able to isolate the starlight sparks of my flame. It’s soft andgentle. Beautiful and elegant. Unlike the rest of me.

I sprinkle it over the flower the same way I use to sprinkle powdered sugar over the sweets I use to make in the kitchens.

The flower grows even larger as my starlight magic falls down upon it. I may not know what kind of flower it is or why it is the only thing I am able to grow. But it still is quite beautiful.

I lean back on my heels. Thinking about the conversation, if you can call that a conversation, with King Elio.

Do I want to marry? Not because I am worried about finding someone willing to marry me. Though it may have its challenges. But do I want to bind myself to someone for the rest of my life? A life I haven’t even begun to live and explore. What lies past the three realms? What promises, adventure, opportunities could it provide?

Regardless of what my Mother once said. Incomplete or not. My soul is my own and mine alone.

“What are you doing out here?” I’m startled. Pulled from my thoughts. I must have been lost in thought because it’s rare for someone to sneak up on me.

I glance over my shoulder to find Saphrina. Up before dawn that’s impressive. There must be something on her mind.

Exhaling, I peer back down to my flower, “I could ask the same thing of you.”

She walks over to me. Kneeling down beside me. “Couldn’t sleep.” She says, “You?”

“Your Father summoned me to his study.”

“At this hour?” I can hear the suspicion in her tone. “What did he want?”

She won’t take the news well. Her and I have becometruesisters since our Mother’s death. Confiding in one another. Her more so than me, but that’s just our nature. She needs someone for support more than I do. Her resilience is fragile and could easily becomeoverwhelmed if not able to lean on someone else.

She’s been worrying about her marriage to Prince Proteus for the last few months, now that she is officially of age. Concerned about leaving the Middle Kingdom. I don’t believe she’s even been past the village in the square.

I’ve only met Prince Proteus once. If you can even call that meeting. We locked eyes years ago when I fled to the capital city of Akino after our village was raided. Our eyes lingered on one another for far too long but I don’t think anyone noticed. I was curious about him. His own features differing from those around him much like mine but he is honored and praised while I am afforded no such comfort. I’m not sure why our eyes stayed glued to one another’s for so long but not having given it another thought since. I am curious though to see how he has grown.

I can feel her eyes on me. Not sure how to say this to her. Knowing she’d offer to let me come join her in the Celestial Realm but I could never take her up on that. Nor would either of us know if Prince Proteus would even allow me to join.

Sighing, I finally say, “When you leave for the Celestial Realm I must leave the Middle Kingdom as well. Unless I find a nobleman to marry me.”

She thinks on this for a moment and then exclaims in excitement. “Ah! This is great! Now you can come with me to the Celestial Realm!”

I don’t know how to tell her I don’t want to come with her to the Celestial Realm. As happy as I am to have her as my sister. I can’t stay by her side on this next journey in her life. I must venture out on my own and discover what else could be out there for me. Find ahomefor myself.

Hesitantly I start, “Saphrina, I - I don’t thi”

“No, it’s perfect!” She cuts me off. “I was so worried about leaving for the Celestial Realm without you. And now you can come with me.Of course! Nothing is keeping you here in the Middle Kingdom!”

I turn slightly to face her. “Saphrina, we don’t even know if Prince Proteus will allow me to return with you.”

She looks at me confused. “Does… does that mean you want to stay here in the Middle Kingdom and find a nobleman to wed?”

“What?! No, that’s not what I am saying. I don’t think anyone here would wed me anyway but that’s not the point.”