Page 56 of Scars and Burns

“Then what is the point?” Her tone rising. She doesn’t understand. She’s known she was going to marry Prince Proteus all her life. Known all along she would have to leave and have a new home waiting for her.

The anger rising in her is not actually for me. She’s just scared. Worried that Prince Proteus won’t like her. Or there won’t be a connection.

I take her hands in mine, “Saphrina, look at me please.” She’s looking down to the ground. Shoulders slumped over. The biggest frown I’ve ever seen on her face.

“Please?” I ask again.

She peers up at me, slowly, through her lashes. Always the dramatics with her. “Hear what I say. It is not that I do not want to be in your life or have you in mine. But…” I sigh, “All my life I have followed another. Living at the mercy of someone else. I stayed here all this time after Mother passed for you. So I could train you, care for you, make sure you were alright. Now, you are about to marry the man you have been betrothed to all your life. Prince Proteus is known to be kind, generous, and loving. He will take good care of you in my absence. And you…” I push a piece of hair being her ear, “you have grown into the most elegant princess. Your magic is strong. You know who you are.”

“I’m scared.”

“I know you are.”

“What if he doesn’t like me? What if all I’ve been raised for, what I’ve become isn’t what he is wanting? What if we aren’t actually meant to be?”

I look at her with admiration. “There is a reason you are allowed three months before the ceremony. It gives you a chance to get to know one another.”

We share a look. Her mouth formed a small smile at my words. I’ve gotten better at this whole comfort thing over the years.

“And I’ll tell you something else. Although this marriage was a plot between your parents and neither of you have had a say in the matter. Our Goddess’s light does not lie. The alliance was made under the light of a full moon. And both of you were born under that light. Being born under a full moon is rare. There will be a bond between the two of you. I can’t be sure of what it will be but have no doubt there will be one.”

We embrace in a hug. Satisfied with what I have told her.

Pulling away, she asks me, “So, after I leave where will you go? Or do you think you’ll find a nobleman to marry?”

I look at her with just as much uncertainty as I feel. Not even trying to hide it. “I don’t think I’ll find a nobleman to marry me. Nor do I think I want to stay in the Middle Kingdom.”

“Where do you want to go?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe beyond the three realms. Explore what else is out there. What life could be.”

“Wherever you go. I will miss you.”

I caress her hair, “Know this, wherever either of us go. We will always be sisters. Regardless of the distance. If you should need me. I will come.”


I give her a small smile. Hugging her one last time. “Promise.”



Last I saw her, my Goddess mark burned. Searing into my chest at what felt like a greater degree than my Father’s magic.

I’ve wanted to go to her every single day since. But I can’t. Not with what I know. Not with my knowing of what is to come. I haven’t even allowed myself to go to the forest to see her. Forbidding myself to give into this pull I feel towards her.

If there had been anything between us. Any hope of us truly being mates. It will die soon.

When we arrive in Azaria, I will be announced as Prince Aeron of the Shadowlands. One, I lied to her about my name last we saw each other. Two, I vanished from her after I offered to get to know one another. And three, I am the Prince of the Shadowlands. The son of the one responsible for the raid that she believes claimed her Mother’s life.

She will never look at me in the same light again.

I sit on the balcony of my chambers. Overlooking the Forest of Despair. Thinking about what it will be like to see her again.

She would be a woman grown now. Fully, not just of marrying age. The last time I saw her she was utterly breathtaking.Defiant, unleashed, not willing to be controlled any longer.

I’m curious as to how she’s grown. How has she blossomed over the years? Exploring the darker side of her soul. Embracing the rage that has been lying and waiting all this time.