Page 54 of Scars and Burns

Knowing I am true to my word she relents.

“Very well. Thank you, Your Grace.” I nod at her. Not needing her thanks.

She walks past me to Aemond. Placing her hands on his chest as she says,“You better come back.”

He offers her a sarcastic laugh, “Oh wife of little faith. I will be with Aeron. Who has ever had the upper hand over him.”

She looks over her shoulder at me. We share a look. And although she is telepathic she says nothing in my mind. Her eyes say it all. One word. One name.




Istand outside the door as the page announces my presence. King Elio only summons me to his study when he wants to discuss Saphrina. I am not his ward. Not his step-daughter. I am just another person who he allowed to stay because I was of use to him.

I enter. He is sitting at his desk. A fire burning in the hearth to my right. Casting a glow throughout the room that makes it feel even more ominous.

I stand directly in front of him across his desk with my hands collapsed behind me. “You sent for me, Your Grace.”

He’s sifting through some papers. Giving them one more glance before setting them aside. “Yes, I wanted to speak with you.” He sets the papers aside and interlocks his hands in front of him. Motioning for me to have a seat.

I don’t take it. Knowing this won’t take long.

He peers up at me, “Is there a reason you will not have a seat?”

“Is there a reason I must?”

Giving me a small huff, “Always so spirited and defiant.” He let’s out a breath. “Very well, no need for formalities. Since we are old friends.”

Well that’s one way to put it.

“As you know Saphrina is now of age. Prince Proteus will be here in a matter of weeks for their official betrothal celebrations. The nobles of both the Celestial Realm and Shadowlands have been invited. The celebrations typically last for three months. Giving them time to plan the details of the ceremony and sealing the bond at the end. They shall be married under the Harvest Moon. The first full moon of our new year. The same light they were both born under. Once all this has come to pass Saphrina will leave with Prince Proteus to the Celestial Realm. When she goes, so will you. I don’t care where you go so long as it is out of this castle. If you find someone of noble birth from the Middle Kingdom and marry them I will allow you to stay. But if not, you will leave my Kingdom for good. Are we understood?”

I keep my face stoic. Sure to not show any emotion. I can’t say I am overly surprised by his words or these terms. I knew he never wanted me here. He only allowed me to come because he wanted my Mother and what she could provide him. And after her death he only allowed me to stay because he needed someone to provide Saphrina with magic lessons. Now that she will be leaving he has no further use for me.

I don’t even meet his gaze. Don’t deign him that respect. I stare straight ahead and say, “Understood.”

“Good. You may go.”

I turn to leave but he stops me halfway out the door. “One more thing.” I glance back at him. “You will not explore anyone from the Shadowlands. You will not spark any intrigue. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Your Grace.” I say flatly.

He nods his head. Satisfied with our interaction.

I take my leave. Shutting the door harshly behind me.

It’s nearly dawn. Perhaps a few hours until first light. I’ve been up for almost twenty-four hours. Not bothering to head back to mychamber. I make my way to my Mother’s garden. Or what used to be her garden.

Although it all withered away after her death I still come here for comfort. Occasionally, Saphrina and I hold her magic lessons here. Attempting to nourish and harness the life that was once here.

I have managed it myself. Not to the extent of my Mother’s but a small patch of my own. My Mother’s garden bloomed with a multitude of colors and a variety of plants that fill the forest. Mine is rather different.

While I have my small patch. I’ve only ever been able to grow one thing. A flower I’ve never seen before. And with all the time I spend in the forest. I am sure it’s not there. I’ve come to know all the plants. Perhaps it is from a different area of the forest I haven’t ventured to. A species of plant that is in the Celestial Realm. They couldn’t be from the Shadowlands. The forest begins to die once it reaches the borders. Leading into the Forest of Despair where nothing grows.

Not able to sleep. I decided to practice.