I spin around, shielding my eyes, but it’s too late.Thoughts of Liam thrusting into me in my shower come to the surface.I dig my nails into my palms to stop these thoughts from roaming down a dangerous path.
“I did go to your house this morning. I planned on begging you to take me back— and I mean beg. I was willing to wrap my arms around your legs and ask you to go with me to the gala. I wanted to tell you how sorry I was for how I left you. The memory of your face when I left still burns in my mind.”
He clears his throat, which is thick with raw emotion. “My idea was to shield you from this life, but I realized quickly that a connection like ours has no boundaries. Nothing could keep me from you, even if I tried. I couldn’t resist you any longer. This time, I would give you full disclosure and the choice.” I hear the hiss of his zipper and the toilet flush. He washes his hands, and I turn to make eye contact with him in the mirror.
“I love him, Liam,” I say in a whisper.
He turns around and leans against the countertop, pulling me to his body. I try to resist, but it's hopeless. “Do you love me?” His eyes are soft and full of hope.
“I…what we have…orhad…isdifferent.”
“That doesn’t answer my question, Madison.” He pulls my face to his, so that I am only inches from his lips. “I think you are too afraid to admit it out loud.” His whispered words flutter over me as his lips nearly brush mine. “You don’t have to say it now, but one day you will. I’ll wait. I can be a very patient man.”
He releases me and walks out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
I lock the door and use the bathroom. My eyes are puffy and red.Shit.Turning the faucet to cold, I splash some water on my face. Thank God for luxury makeup…I have no mascara tracks or smudges. I pat my face dry with a hand towel and put on my mask.
When I step out of the bathroom, I find him sitting on his bed with two cigarettes between his fingers.
“Still smoking, baby?” He holds them up to me.
God. Yes, I need a cigarette.
“Not since you left. I couldn’t…without the memories…” I trail off. “Never mind.”
Liam stands and hands me one. “For old times sake. Come on…” he chuckles, holding my hand again.
* * *
We areon the top floor balcony. These views of the Empire State building are absolutely insane. The gas firepit is on, but I am still freezing. It is starting to flurry, making the moment even more surreal—almost enchanting.
Liam shrugs off his jacket and wraps it around me. His signature scent envelopes me, bringing a wave of calmness with it. He keeps his cigarette hanging between his lips as he rubs my arms, creating friction.
“Thank you.” I take a drag of my cigarette as he watches me intently.
He takes another pull of his own and blows out smoke as he talks. “Does Kil know you smoke?”
I shake my head, exhaling. “He doesn’t…I’m sure he will now.”
He laughs, a genuine smile forming on his face. “Just blame me. Say I was a bad influence on you.”
I slap his arm playfully. “We need to be on our best behavior, Liam.I mean it. I don’t know how to feel right now, but I know that this,” I gesture between us, “is not right.”
Liam’s smile fades, and he becomes remorseful. “We are right, but I get what you mean.” He takes one more drag of his cigarette before snuffing it out in the ashtray. I hand him mine, and he does the same.
He looks down at his watch. “Christ. Let’s get you back before midnight.”
Liam and I are on our way down the staircase from the upper level when we come face-to-face with Chase and his father. I stagger a bit prompting Liam to place a protective hand in front of me. He blocks me with his body, preventing them from coming too close. I realize at that moment what this looks like. I am still wearing Liam’s jacket.Fuck.
“Alan. Chase.” He nods, trying to divert us around them and back to the safety of the party. He grabs my hand from behind to walk by them.
Chase throws his hand across the banister. His father steps next to him, blocking our egress. Liam’s hand clutches mine tighter. You can visibly see his muscles tense through his dress shirt.
“Lemme guess…you two were offfucking? Chase says sadistically. “I wonder what Killian would think about this.” He eyes the tux jacket I’m wearing, and Liam’s shirt that’s unbuttoned at the top.
Alan tsks and shakes his head. “What a shame. First, Jack has an affair and finds out he has abastardchild…” he spits vitriol at Liam. “then that bastard has an affair with the heir’s woman.” He turns his head my way.
I can’t just stand here and let Liam cause a scene. He is about to snap. I need to say something—and quick.