“Chase is aware Liam and I are old friends from our school bar. Killian is aware of this as well.” I lie about the last part. “Liam and I used to smoke out back all the time. And considering I am drinking, and Killian doesn’t smoke, he offered me one,” I say as innocently as possible.
Alan and Chase don’t look convinced.
“Thankfully, he was generous enough to lend me his jacket,” I add, patting Liam on his shoulder.He needs to cut it out.
Chase lifts his arm out of our way but doesn’t move. He crosses his arms over his chest and looks directly at Liam. “How much did shescreamthe night you split open my face and fucked her while she was on ecstacy?” he asks menacingly.
Liam lunges and grabs Chase by the throat, bending him over the banister. Alan steps forward to intervene. “Liam, that isenough. Take this asyour warning. At any point, we can tell Killian of your indiscretions.”
Liam loosens his grip on Chase’s neck. “Quite frankly,I don’t give a flying fuck if you do. We have nothing to hide,unlikeyou gombeens. Now get thefuckout of my face before I tell Jackexactly what your son does with our drugs.”Thank God it’s just us on the upper staircase.Liam's voice is echoing down the hall.
He turns his fury back to Chase. “And if youevertalk about Madison like that again…plastic surgery won’t even be able to fix your face—becausethere will be nothing left of it.”
Liam releases Chase and pushes past him, tugging me down the rest of the staircase. We get to the middle floor, where the bedrooms are, and he bangs a left. The first door on the left is a bathroom. He ushers me in and shuts the door quietly.
My eyes open wide, taking in his appearance. His hands are shaking violently. He looks like he is about to turn around and teach Chase a lesson.
I reach out to place a gentle hand over his. “Liam, it’s okay. Maybe we should tell Killian. Come clean. He'll understand. He and I weren’t together when you and I…” I taper off.
His eyes meet mine with rage and desire, all mixed into one. If I didn’t know him already, that look would terrify me. Instead, it does the opposite.
It excites me.
Thrills me.
My body tingles with anticipation.
He stalks toward me until my ass hits the marble sink, caging his arms around me. “I’m not mad because I amafraidKillian will find out—let him.I'd watch the world burn just to have one more chance with you.” His declaration turns my mind and heart into putty.
We are nose to nose, and I know where this is going. I press a gentle hand against his chest, to stop his advance. My mouth is dry, refusing to say it.
Liam runs the back of his knuckles along my cheek, then his thumb over my bottom lip. My lips part on impact. He pulls away an inch, his eyes begging me for permission. That is when I see the glow of his digital watch:
11:55 PM
Oh shit.
I grab his wrist and push it toward his face. “We need to go.Now.”
The countdown has started.Lexi and Conor are wrapped around each other by the stage with the rest of the guests. I scan the tent for Liam and Madison. It's been quite a while since they left for the bathroom. I hope everything is alright.
Just as I am about to grab my phone and call her, I spot my green goddess running my way. Liam splits off and goes straight to the bar.
“I was getting worried. Are you alright?” I ask her, rubbing the tops of her arms.
A nervous smile breaks out on her face. “I’m fine, Kil. I have something to tell you,” she says.
Liam approaches behind me and laughs. “She’s a closet smoker, mate.” He slaps my back. Madison shoots him a glare, then swivels her head to me for forgiveness.
I massage her shoulders, releasing the tension built up there. “Ahh. You and Liam went to smoke after the bathroom.” I flip him the bird. “I can find better use for that pretty mouth than smoking a cigarette,” I chuckle and kiss the tip of her nose. She does smell like cigarettes, but I don’t mind.I can think of a few ways to persuade her to stop.
The waitress comes towards us with a bottle of champagne and a tray of glasses. She leaves them on the cocktail table in front of us as the clock ticks down from ten.
10. 9. 8. 7. 6
I slide behind my gorgeous girl and wrap my arms around her waist. I leave a trail of kisses up her exposed neck. She shivers against me, making my cock stir.