“Why are we going upstairs? I’m sure there are half a dozen bathrooms down here.” I stomp my heel for good measure.
“Lower your voice,” he commands, looking around. “Stop making a scene, and I’ll tell you.”
We climb the stairs with his hand still lingering on my back. He pulls me down the same hallway Killian took me earlier. With hesitant steps, I keep walking in the direction of Killian’s bedroom until Liam throws open the door adjacent to it.
He ushers me in and slams the door shut. Caging me in with his muscular arms stretched over my head. My breathing becomes shallow and intensified. Heat radiates off him; his breathing is labored by my neck.
“What thefuckare you thinking, Madison?” His face is only inches from mine.
I slam my fists into his chest, trying to move him. But he’s a bolder, and I’m an ant in comparison.
A smile crosses his face before his gaze becomes lethal. “You do realize who Killian is, correct?Who I am. He moves his hand down to wrap a strand of my hair around his finger. “Nice hair color, by the way—but I prefer you as a brunette,” he winks.
I want to smack that smug look off his face. Instead, I slam my fist at his chest again. “Getoffme, Liam,” I laugh. Hysteria starts to build inside me. “I wanted you!” I shout as I keep hitting his chest. “You had your chance, and youleft me.Just left me without a fucking trace.” Hot tears build behind my eyes, blurring my vision.
Liam eases back and drops his hand from my hair. I duck under him and walk toward the open door. Hoping it is his en suite.I assume this is his bedroom—it smells just like him—lavender and cedarwood.Relief floods me when I confirm it’s a bathroom. Slamming the door behind me, I slide my body down it. I claw at the mask and toss it onto the tiled floor. Tears fall as I press my fists to my eyes. Violent sobs begin to rock my body.
I hear a thump on the other side of the door and recognize he is sitting on the opposite side. His head thuds against the wood, and he releases a sigh.
“Maddy…you have to understand…it was never about not wanting you. I would have doneanythingfor you. I just couldn’t be selfish with you. You are smart, beautiful, and pure. The life—thislife isn’t cut out for you. No matter how much we can protect you, things can go wrong. It’s too dangerous.”
“I don’t care, Liam,” I say between sobs. “You made me feel more alive than I have ever felt in my entire life. I was willing to face anything—as long as you were by my side. You didn’t even give me a chance or the choice.Killian did. And that’s why I am here.”
“I realize that now. When I went to Miami on assignment, I was miserable. I typed out text messages to you every night just to delete them. I couldn’t subject you to this life. It wasn't fair,” he says more calmly.
I need to see him. I have spent countless days wondering when or if I would ever see him again. And now he is here, telling me he does want me.
What shitty timing, Universe.
Getting up, I open the door and look down at him sitting on the floor. He looks up at me, and my anger melts away. The black mask he was wearing rests on his forehead. He spins around to face me, reaches a hand out, and starts caressing his knuckles along my exposed calf. “You hold this power over me, Madison. It isso wrongto want this still. Killian is my blood. Ican’t—I shouldn’t still want you, but I do.”
His confession makes my heart soar, but then I think of Killian and how amazing he is. Liam is right. Wecan’tdo this. We shouldn’t even be around each other.
“Did you know?” I sniffle.
Liam gets up off the floor and reaches around me to grab a tissue. He hands it to me, and I hold it up to my nose.
“Know what?” He wipes my tears away with both of his thumbs. Gently, he twines his fingers into my hair and cradles my face.
“That Killian started dating me.”
He directs my head up from staring at his chest, making eye contact. “No, sweetheart. I didn’t. It was just as much of a shock to me tonight as it was to you. For the first time in my life, I thought I was having a heart attack,” he chuckles.
God, he’s still just as handsome. His hair is even sexier, all dishevelled. The open buttons of his shirt expose his ravens’ tattoo and the hair that sits there.
He grabs my hand and places it over his chest as if reading my mind. Strong fingers wrap around mine, keeping it in place. A rapid heart beats beneath my palm, scarily in sync with my own.
“I’m not telling you we need to cheat—because that would be awful for everyone involved—but I’m not giving up on us, Madison. A connection like this…and I know you still feel it too…doesn’t just burn out or go away. No matter who you move on with. Even if that person is my brother.”
I shake my head.This is so fucked up. I love Killian—but I also have this undeniable feeling I can’t shake about Liam. It’s magnetic. He is the gasoline to the fire inside me.If we let these feelings spill over, we will all go up in flames.
“You went to my house this morning?” I take my hand off his chest and back away from him and his intensity. That only makes him inch closer, so he’s standing at the threshold of the door.
He points to the toilet. “You pee, I’ll talk,” he smirks.
“Are youinsane? You’re going to get us both killed!” I hiss.
“Fine, thenI’llpissandtalk.” He breezes past me to the toilet, tugs his zipper down, and sets himself free.