“What?” Dillyn was both surprised and confused.
“They both seem to be suffering from some sort of upset stomach.”
Dillyn vaguely remembered them talking about it on the drive over to the ranch. She received text messages from both Palmer and Cat just as Amber was informing her of the absence.
“I’m sorry.” Amber genuinely felt bad. “It’s such a beautiful night, and I hate that they are going to miss the barbeque. If you like, I can cancel my plans and have dinner with you.”
Dillyn waved her off. “Absolutely, not. Please don’t do that on account of me. I’ll just take dinner in my room.”
Amber gave Ben the eye, pleading with him to help. Ben initially ignored her because he was not in the mood to entertain, and second, if his instincts were correct, Dillyn didn’t really want his company.
Dillyn looked away toward the darkening sky. “It is getting dark. It’s not a problem to eat in my room.”
Amber took the opportunity to put her hands together as if in prayer, begging Ben to have dinner with Dillyn. She silently mouthed the words, “Please, please, please.”
Ben rolled his head around his neck.Shit. This is not how I planned to spend my night.He’d finally finished up his business and, for the next couple of days, could just enjoy his family. Only tonight, his brothers and sister were out for the evening, sotechnically, he would have been home alone anyway.
With a look of defeat, Ben mouthed back. “Fine! You owe me.”
“Anything for you,” Amber mouthed and winked.
Ben rubbed the back of his neck. “Um. . . Dillyn, I’m actually pretty hungry. There’s a lot of food here. If you don’t mind, we could have dinner together, so the food doesn’t go to waste.”
Slowly, Dillyn turned in his direction but wouldn’t look him in the eyes. “It’s not necessary.”
“I insist!” Amber said. “Part of the experience of this ranch is the barbeque around the fire. It should have been tomorrow night, but we had to switch it because of the kitchen.”
“I promise. I’m not an axe murderer,” Ben said, only semi-joking.
Dillyn’s eyes jerked up to his. They almost blew Ben away. He was utterly transfixed.
Dillyn stuttered, “N-no. Of course, not.” She was being irrational and her usual socially awkward self. It was a beautiful night, and Ben was trying to be friendly. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”
He lifted a shoulder in a small shrug. “Not at all.”
“Great!” Amber clapped her hands together in relief. “Then, I’ll leave you to it.” Amber turned toward Ben. “Dad won’t admit it, but he’s not feeling the best either. I’ll be back in a few hours, so if you need anything, call me on my cell.” Amber could tell Dillyn was antsy, so like the wind, Amber was gone before she could change her mind, leaving Ben and Dillyn completely alone.
Nervously, Dillyn glanced around.
His immediate attraction to Dillyn caught Ben off guard. It was the first time something like that had ever happened, and he needed to nip it in the bud. The saving grace came at the sound of his cell. He pulled it out of his back pocket. “Sorry, I’ve got to take this. It’s home. If you want to have a seat in front of the fire, I’ll bring you a glass of wine. Supper should be ready in another few minutes.” Ben stepped away and went back to tending the grill.
Dillyn hugged herself as she did what Ben had asked and took a seat on something that resembled a large wooden log. She wasn’t trying to eavesdrop but could hear Ben talking on the phone.
“Is everything okay?”
Dillyn looked around, stood, stamped her feet, sat back down, and scooted farther down the log. Still, she could hear his side of the conversation.
“Where’s Lana?” he asked the person he was talking to before releasing a heavy sigh. The irritation in his voice was unmistakable.
“Maybe I can sing to her? That usually helps.”
Seconds later, Dillyn heard the deep dulcet tones of Ben singing the Stevie Wonder classic “Isn’t She Lovely” with a country twist. Surprisingly, Ben had a great voice. He sang with so much love. Dillyn wasn’t sure she had ever witnessed anything so pure in her life. She had no idea a man could give that kind of care to another human being, even she was soothed.
Ben continued to sing for a few more minutes before whoever he was speaking with came back on the line. “I’ll be home on Sunday, but if Rylee gets fussy, just call me day or night.”
Dillyn didn’t even realize it, but she had a goofy smile on her face as she watched him.
Ben disconnected the call and returned his cell to his back pocket. He blew out another long breath before taking the steaks off the grill to let them rest. Dillyn could tell by the set of his shoulders that Ben might have soothedRylee, but the call had the opposite effect on him. He picked up a couple of glasses and a bottle of wine before turning and walking toward her.