Gavin ran his hand over his stubbled chin. “Have you seen those gals that are staying here from New York?”

“I can’t say that I’ve had the pleasure.”

“Woowee. They are quite stunning. All three of them. I think I saw a ring on one of ‘em’s finger.” Gavin turned his head toward the house, a wistful look in his eyes. “If I were a few years younger . . .”

Ben laughed. “If you were a few years younger, they wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“You got that right!”

Ben tried to suppress a grin as he shook his head. “Let me run back to my house. I’ll grab a few things and be back before you know it.”

Chapter 5

When Dillyn arrived at the patio, it seemed as if she was the first to arrive, except for the guy working the grill. She couldn’t get a good look at him because his back was to her, but it wasn’t hard to notice his height. He was very tall and muscular. Not the hulking kind, but he easily dwarfed Dillyn in size. She thought about making a beeline back to her room until her friends arrived but realized she was being ridiculous.Dillyn Anderson-Havenhurst, stop acting paranoid. Everyone will be down soon.Dillyn took a deep breath before announcing herself. “Hi.”

Ben half-turned only to have the wind knocked out of him at the very sight of the Dillyn. Gavin hadn’t been lying. The woman standing before him was stunning. She was downright gorgeous, and her smile was sinful.

Dillyn hoped to appear friendly. “I think I’m the first one down.”

Ben found his voice. He wiped his hands down the front of his jeans before extending it out to her as he walked over. “Hi, I’m Ben Cash.”

Dillyn looked at his hand but didn’t shake it. She had a thing about touching, especially men. Instead, she glanced down at her feet. “Sorry, I’m a bit of a germaphobe.”

His intense gaze made Dillyn uncomfortable. She hated feeling like a lab rat but hated more that her phobias were front and center.

Ben sensed her unease. He dropped his hand and glanced away, hoping it would make her more comfortable. “Got it. Well, the others should be down shortly, and dinner is almost ready.”That was strange,he thought as he walked back toward the grill.

Not wanting to make Ben think he’d done anything wrong, Dillyn tried to make light conversation. “Whatever you’re cooking smells delicious.”

“Thanks. I hope you and your friends enjoy it.”

Where are Cat and Palmer? They should have been down by now.

Ben’s back was still to her as he stood over the grill. Her mouth watered, and Dillyn’s stomach growled at the smell and sound of the sizzling steaks on the grill.

Amber Steele appeared out of nowhere. “Hey, Ben! Thank you so much for helping out tonight.” She clapped her hands together as she walked down the pathway toward them. “I see you’ve met Dillyn.”

“Ah . . . that’s her name.” Ben turned slightly.

Dillyn blushed. “Um . . . yes. I’m . . .” She glanced from Ben to Amber and back to Ben. She’d always been socially awkward, but this was ridiculous. “I’m Dillyn.”

Ben got caught up staring at Dillyn’s mouth and eyes again as he responded to Amber. “I guess now we’ve met.” He caught himself and tried to pretend he wasn’t affected by Dillyn’s beauty. He shouldn’t have been since he was a married man, but Ben wasn’t blind either.

Dillyn felt his eyes on her, and they were friendly enough. Her thoughts immediately went to Steven. He hadn’t even given her friendly looks lately. He’d been so busy with work that they had become virtually roommates. They weren’t even friends with benefits, which was fine with Dillyn. She wasn’t good at sex and didn’t particularly enjoy it anyway.

Ben noticed the size of Dillyn’s rock on her left finger when she moved a wayward curl behind her ear. She must have been who Galvin was referring to—the married one.

“Dillyn, I’ve known Ben forever. He lives a couple of ranches over. We were having some troubles with our kitchen, and he volunteered to help us out.”

“Oh, you don’t work here?” Dillyn asked, surprised.

“No, ma’am. I do not,” he responded.

Amber giggled. “Oh, gosh, no. Ben’s a—”

“Just a friend helping out.” Ben cut Amber off before she could finish her sentence.

Amber smirked, getting the message loud and clear. “Well, too bad you won’t get to meet our other two guests, Palmer and Cat. They won’t be joining us tonight.”