“Was that your daughter?” Dillyn knew it was nosy, but she couldn’t help but ask.
His face softened. “Yeah. Her name is Rylee. She’s two. She was having a little trouble getting to sleep.” Ben handed Dillyn a glass.
“Did it work?”
“For now.” He cracked a small smile. “Is Merlot okay?”
Dillyn held back a little laugh. “You mean it’s not peach wine?”
Ben laughed too. He whispered conspiratorially, “Are they still serving that?”
“They are. Actually, it’s not that bad.”
“Okay. Then let me run to the kitchen to grab a bottle.”
“No! Please. I mean . . .” Dillyn bit her lower lip in embarrassment. Then covered her mouth to keep from laughing.
This time Ben’s laughter came from his gut. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Don’t worry. I’ll keep your secret.” He liked the way her eyes sparkled when they weren’t so guarded.
Dillyn’s stomach growled. She quickly placed her hand there to calm it.
Dillyn was embarrassed Ben had heard it. She had been on a continuous diet but planned to break it this weekend. “I haven’t eaten today.” She smiled cheekily. “Whatever you’re making smells divine.”
“Thanks.” Ben thought Dillyn was a little slip of a woman. With her comment about not eating, he assumed she was on a diet but by no means needed to be on one. Maybe it was a New York thing. “I grilled the steaks, but my sister made you ladies some corn-on-the-cob, baked potatoes, and a fresh salad.”
Dillyn briefly closed her eyes and moaned. “Mmm . . .” Her reaction sounded sexual even to her own ears. Shocked, Dillyn stiffened and glanced away from Ben. Her eyes flitted around the property. She couldn’t look at him.
Ben pretended as if Dillyn hadn’t just made his cock jerk. “Steaks should be done resting by now.” He got up and walked away, thinking about the indigestion he was going to have by breaking the world’s record for scarfing down his food so he could get the hell out of dodge.
Dillyn took a large gulp of wine. She couldn’t have created a more perfect cowboy. One who seemed to be both rugged and thoughtful, seeing how he’d said nothing about her indecent moan.
A few minutes later, Ben was back with two mouth-watering plates.
“My goodness! That looks so good.” Dillyn’s voice was much too loud. Ben made her nervous. Cat and Palmer would have known how to play it cool, but Dillyn didn’t have that skill.
“I hope you enjoy it.” Ben took a seat next to Dillyn but not too close.
Dillyn pushed her food around, trying to think of something mundane to say. “You didn’t have to give up your night to babysit me.”
“It’s your first time in Summer, right?”
Dillyn nodded.
“Amber’s right. It’s so beautiful this time of year. It would be a shame to waste a night like tonight.” His wife flashed through his mind. Ben wished he could share a quiet evening like this with Lana, but she hated the outdoors.
Dillyn pointed at his ring more so as a reminder to herself that they were both off-limits. “How long have you been married?”
Ben glanced down at it. “Five years. You?”
“Thirteen together but eight years married.”
“Wow. That’s a long time. He’s a lucky guy.”
Dillyn wasn’t so sure Steven felt that way. She distracted herself from that statement by cutting into her steak. The knife went through it like butter. What better way to not answer a question than eating? Dillyn put a small piece into her mouth. Her eyes widened then rolled into the back of her head. “This issogood.”
“Thank you.”