“That’s a lot of blood,” Pete says as he looks at the puddle inside the door.
“Yeah, it is,” I reply with a frown, “there is a very real chance that she’s not okay.”
Pete frowns, “You are assuming that she was the one that was hurt. She has already proven herself to have more skills than we gave her credit for. Isn’t it possible that she went into the safe room, found an intruder, and then attacked them?”
My eyebrows raise. I actually hadn’t considered that at all, but it is a possibility.
“She would have to carry the person out and take them with her, and I don’t know what reason she could possibly have for doing that,” Jensen replies, thinking aloud.
“That’s true,” Pete replies, “it would be more plausible the other way around but either way that you look at it we are making a lot of assumptions, and we have no idea what actually happened. I take it that there are no cameras in there?”
Jensen and I share a look, and I reply, “I don’t know. We only managed to look at the cameras following Luc’s mom through the house and then we watched her go into the safe room andfollowed to see if she was still in there, so we didn’t get a chance to check any other cameras.”
Pete nods, “Fair enough. Let me see what I can find out. I just want to set everything up to transfer the footage to my laptop so I can review it properly later.”
“Awesome, thank you,” I tell him as he takes a seat and starts tapping away before he plugs his laptop in.
I have seen him do things like this probably hundreds of times before, and the things that he can get a computer to do still blow my mind. I don’t even have a vague idea of how he does it, and I have sat down with him in the past and asked him to try and show me some simple things. We got two hours in before we both gave up and admitted that computers just were not for me. For some reason, I just have a massive mental block when it comes to some of the more complicated stuff, and even when I try really hard, all the information just goes in one ear and out of the other.
We are still waiting in the hospital for Luc to be discharged, and it is giving me a lot of time to think. I glance down at my cast; I have had enough now. I have got less than two weeks left until I'm supposed to have it off, and Cash can have his off around the same. I’m barely feeling any pain. I don’t need painkillers, and I have been walking on it using the boot at home. I am done.
“What are you thinking about?” Atlas asks me, studying me closely. “The doctor should be back any minute now, and then we can get going.”
We are in the hospital, and it’s worth a shot, glancing at Cash I say, “Do you want to see if the doctors will take our casts off?”
“Fuck yeah!” He exclaims and immediately stands up.
“Do you guys really think that’s a good idea?” Rafe asks, a worried frown drawing down his eyebrows.
I shrug, “Honestly, I am so fucking fed up now and I’m not in pain, we can ask, they won’t take it off if we’re not ready.”
“Good point.” Luc agrees, he adds, “I’m looking forward to your explanation to Ever if you manage it.”
My eyes widen slightly, “Shit, do you think the doctor will give me a note?”
“Us, dude, give us a note,” Cash replies. “Come on, let's do this, we don't have much time.”
Cash and I head out the door, running into Luc’s doctor in the corridor.
“Hey, doc,” I greet with a smile.
“Hey, I was just starting Luc’s paperwork. Is everything okay?”
“Erm yeah, we were wondering if you would be able to take our casts off? We are supposed to have two ish weeks left, but we are both done now, if we can, we would love to have them off,” I ask him, not really expecting much.
He surprises me when he asks how long we have had them on for, if we have been limiting activity, and all of that kind of thing. Cash and I answer him as honestly as we can.
“I tell you what, have an x-ray done just so we can make sure that you’re healed, and I’ll take off your casts.” He suggests. “Sounds good?”
“Absolutely!” Cash exclaims excitedly and I had no idea that it was bugging him as much as it clearly is.
“Deal,” I agree.
“Great, follow me gentlemen and we will get you seen to and see what is going on. If you have been honest with your answers to me, I see no reason we can’t get them off today.”
His words make my hope soar. I know we will still have to be a bit careful and build up strength, but that is fine. We canjoin Jensen on his morning runs and Cash can lift some weights to build up strength in his arm. Anything is better than being trapped in these damn casts and not being able to help my family members properly.