Surprisingly, and thankfully for my sanity, we are not walking for that long before I can see the road up ahead through a break in the trees.

“Thank fuck it wasn’t that far,” I mutter.

“I’d save your celebrating for a moment; we have no idea how far away we are from the house,” Jensen reminds me.

“Shit, yeah, I’d forgotten about that,” I reply, all my earlier happiness leaving me.

I might be feeling a little bit dramatic without my coffee.

As we step onto the road, I look around hopefully and then frown, “I have no idea where we are, and I should. We are still in town, right? We didn’t transport ourselves to another dimension or something.”

Jensen chuckles, “I forget how dramatic you get when you haven’t had enough coffee and are running on very little sleep.”

“Whoa, rude much?” I reply with a grumble and a smirk, knowing that he is one hundred percent right, but I am not about to admit that to him.

His smirk widens into a gorgeous smile as he squeezes my hand and says, “Fortunately, I do know where we are, we’re quite far away from the house though. I had no idea that they owned this much land.”

“They may not,” I point out, “just because the door opens up out here doesn’t mean that they own this piece of land. Although, it would be stupid not to, considering that if someone found the doors, they would most definitely want to investigate them.”

“Exactly, so they must own the land then.” Jensen replies, as he pulls out his phone, “We can ask Luc when we see him next,but for now, I am going to call Pete and get him to come and pick us up. I am not walking any further.”

“This is why I love you,” I reply.

He chuckles and I listen as he quickly explains where we are to Pete. Even listening to Jensen describe precisely where we are to Pete, I still have no idea where we are.

“He wasn’t too far away from us, and he should be here any minute,” Jensen tells me as soon as he hangs up.

I nod and silently hope that he has managed to pick up the coffee already because that’s pretty much all I can think about right now.

I may have an issue.

“Hey guys,” Pete greets us as he pulls up beside us.

“Hey man,” Jensen replies as we get in.

Pete, being the bestie he is hands me a giant coffee as soon as I have got my ass in the seat.

“I love you,” I mutter, taking a big gulp.

Pete smirks as he pulls back out onto the road, “Me or the coffee?”

“Erm, you?” I reply.

Pete bursts out laughing, “Bullshit.” I shrug. I am not going to confirm or deny whether he is right or not, especially since everyone in this car knows full well that I was saying I love you to my coffee.

It takes us around ten minutes to get back to the house and I am incredibly grateful that Pete came and got us, and we didn’t have to walk.

“Okay, so what am I doing here exactly?” Peter asks as we head inside the house, and Jensen leads us back to the security room.

“We need you to check the cameras and see if you can recover the footage that has been deleted. We know that something has been done to the footage because the cameras didn’t pick upLuc’s mom entering the house or the third mystery person that was in the safe room either.” I explain.

Pete stops dead in his tracks and spins around to face me, his eyes wide, “I’m sorry, what? Luc’s mom? Safe room? Third person?”

I smirk, “Yeah, like I told Trick, it has been a wild ride. Come on, I will fill you in properly.”

By the time I have finished telling Pete everything that has happened, we are in the security room, and he is staring at the safe room and the stairway.

It’s silent for a moment while he absorbs everything that we’ve told him, which is understandable. A lot has happened.