Jensen nearly died, and he is back in it and loving it; I was not made to sit on the sidelines.

Our X-rays take no time at all since the hospital seems relatively quiet, and we both wait nervously while they look over them.

“I don’t think I’ve been this nervous for a long time,” Cash mutters.

“I know, I’m reaching the end of my tether with this damn cast now; I’m useless to the team,” I reply, a little bit more honest than I had intended to be.

“Fuck off, you could have two casts on your legs, and you would still be infinitely more useful and needed to the team; you keep us together and organize and sort everything; you think about things that don’t occur to the rest of us. So fucking quit it, or I will hit you,” he smirks as he adds, “with the cast on because it will hurt you more.”

I chuckle, raising my hands in defeat, "Alright, I hear you. I’m sorry.”

Before Cash can say anything else, the doctor walks back in, and we both shut up, staring at him expectantly.

“Both of your X-rays look good, you are going to have some weakness and possibly some aches in both your leg and arm. When that happens, that's your sign you need to rest, do not push it. You will also need to start gentle,” he emphasises the word gentle, “exercise to build up the strength but in both your cases the bones are healed.”

“Thank fuck for that,” Cash exclaims.

The doctor chuckles, “Follow me, and we’ll get them off.”

We gladly follow and end up next to each other as they take the casts off.

“Erm doc?” I ask.

He glances up at me from where he’s taking my cast off, probably hearing the nerves in my voice, “Could you write Cash and me a note, saying that it’s perfectly safe for us to have our casts removed and maybe even our X-rays so we can give it to Ever?”

The doctor and the nurse who is taking Cash’s cast off burst out laughing.

The doctor finally nods, “Yeah, I can do that.”

Finally, they are off, and I slowly stand testing my leg even though I have been walking on it, it feels so weird but honestly, it is such a relief.

“Does everything feel okay?” The doctor asks and we both nod, Cash bending and straightening his arm. “Great. If you have any issues, you go back to the doctor. I don’t foresee there being any issues you’ve both healed very well.”

“Thanks doc, you have no idea how good that feels,” I reply.

He grins, “No problem. I will go and start Luc’s paperwork and get that letter for you to give to Ever.”

“Thank you,” Cash says.

We head down the corridor and back to the room. My leg feels really weird but I’m not in pain and it’s more like it is slightly stiff, like I need to work out the kinks, which I suppose I do.

“How’s your arm?” I ask Cash.

“It feels a bit strange, but it doesn’t hurt. I am so fucking glad to get that thing off. Do you know how long I have needed to properly itch it!” He exclaims, doing just that.

“I’m just looking forward to a proper shower,” I reply.

His eyes widen, “A proper shower, I hadn’t even thought about that.”

I chuckle as we push through the door to Luc’s room.

“You managed to get the doctor to agree then,” Luc chuckles as soon as he sees us, prompting the others to start smiling.

“Yeah, he said we still need to take it easier than usual, but the bones are healed,” Cash explains.

“Good,” Rafe replies, “I know it has been bugging you both. Don’t push yourselves too far though you don’t want to end up hurting yourself or ending up back in a cast.”

I nod, “We know. Don’t worry I think I will do absolutely anything to avoid ending up back in a cast. No fucking thank you.”