Page 25 of Eris

He grabbed the gold-smeared cloths and went back to the kitchen to toss them out and grabbed a bottle of water.

"Drink this and rest. I'll get the ship going," he said, not looking at her. "We have to head for Tunisia now, or it will be nighttime when we reach it tomorrow.

Eris grabbed his hand and tugged him toward her. Enzo crouched down and accepted the soft kiss she pressed to his lips. "Thank you for taking care of me, Enzo. I'm not used to it, but thank you."

Enzo kissed her again, a quick peck only so he wouldn't get distracted, and stood up. "You're welcome. Now drink that water."

"I will," she said, and her smile was the sweetest thing he'd ever seen.


Eris sat on her bed with her eyes closed and legs crossed. Her wounds were itchy, and her emotions were erratic. She focused her power on healing every one of the naiads' scratches. That was all they were, really.

Eris had never seen anyone get so concerned about her well-being. It was probably good that Aeneas had been the one to witness the Trojan War and not Enzo, if that was how he reacted to ichor being spilled.

The gods fought each other in that war, and in every battle, blood and ichor were equally mixed. The gods healed in hours, and the humans buried their dead.

Eris made sure that her wounds were closed before slipping into the bathroom and showering off the ichor that Enzo's cloth had missed. Looking at the plastic and tape stitches holding her together made her heart skip. They were unnecessary, but she was touched that he had been concerned enough to put them on her to begin with.

Eris brushed her fingers over her mouth, the memory of his lips moving against hers coming back to her.

If it wasn't for her worry that the naiads would attack them again and her wounds freaking him out, Eris would have pushed Enzo against the stone wall and taken him right there and then.

She had always pitied the gods who fell for mortals, thinking them utter fools. Now, she was starting to understand. When those creatures had gone after Enzo, nothing else mattered to her except protecting him. He had made her feel safe out amongst the crowds of people. She would make him feel safe against anything supernatural that sought to harm him.

Eris pulled on another black maxi dress and braided back her long, damp hair. She left the stitches on so Enzo would be reassured by the sight of them. She would show her thanks for his care and wound tending by putting together something to eat.

Eris was pulling things out of the fridge when her phone buzzed with a text from Laverna.

Where are you, and have you used my present yet?

Eris snorted. Like she would share that with anyone.No, you pervert. We are just leaving Cuma. Weird day.

Weird how?

Eris quickly tapped out the day's events, editing out her panic attack. It would only make Laverna worry about her.

Enzo wasn't scared of you when he saw your fangs and claws? And you know, ripping heads off creatures?

He kissed me after, so I assume he wasn't.

I knew that lube would come in handy.

Ha. Ha. He saw my ichor and freaked out that I was hurt and insisted on doing first aid.

Well, he obviously cares. A blind man could see how into you he was even though you kidnapped him. You two have a connection.

I think getting regular sex from Rom has rotted your brain.

I think you getting no sex has rotted yours. You only need to meet Bianca to know how much Enzo cherishes the women in his life.

You met Bianca? How did that go?

She's wonderful. I am keeping her, so don't fuck up whatever is happening with you and Enzo.

I'll try my best. I like Bianca too.

And Eris really would try not to fuck anything up. She liked Enzo as well. She liked kissing him, too, and wanted to do it again when they weren't just attacked by naiads.