Page 24 of Eris

"Get the palladium. I will be okay," she reassured him.

Eris's full lips were red from his beard, and he brushed a thumb over her chin. "To be continued."

The darkness left Eris's eyes, and her hands returned to normal. "We will see about that," she said, a small smile playing about her luscious lips.

Enzo shook himself and got the palladium back into its bag. He said, "It has stopped humming, so I'm assuming it's done with this place."

"Then so are we."

Enzo hefted the bag onto his shoulders. "You might need to cause another riot to get us out of here unnoticed."

Eris gave him an appraising look from his boots to his bare chest."Somehow, I don't think they will be looking at me."

Enzo's cheeks heated. "Don't start, goddess. I'm struggling not to kiss you again."

"How terrible for me," she said and slipped past him in the tight space.

Enzo bit back his grin and hurried after her.

Once they reached the roped-off area, Eris touched his arm. "I'm going to cast an illusion over us so we don't get stopped. Stay close to me."

Enzo offered his hand to her, and with the same small smile that drove him crazy, Eris took it.

Her magic was a cool brush of wind over his wet skin. Shadows flickered around them like they were a mirage. Not a single person looked their way until they got out of the archaeological park. They surprised the hell out of a taxi driveras they slid into his back seat and gave instructions to take them to the port.

"When we get to the boat, you are showing me those wounds. They aren't nothing," he said.

Eris was still holding his shirt to her chest. It was soaked almost all the way through.

"If I knew the cave had naiads, I would have been a bit more cautious," Eris said with a grimace. "I'm sorry I didn't protect you better."

"Are you kidding me? You kicked their asses and got banged up for your trouble," Enzo said. He tucked a long, wet lock back behind her ear. "You are fucking incredible. I would have been eaten or worse without you."

"Worse. They didn't want you for food," Eris replied, and Enzo pulled a face. "Exactly what you're thinking. They would have eaten you after they got bored. You still think having adventures with gods is a good idea?"

Enzo lifted her hand and kissed it. "Absolutely."

When the taxi stopped, Eris put her illusion up around them. She made it halfway down the jetty before she swayed. Enzo caught her before she could drop and lifted her up in his arms.

"I'm okay. Just lightheaded," she complained.

"What you are is full of shit," Enzo grumbled back, carrying her the rest of the way and back on board their ship. He set her down above deck before slinging off the palladium and stowing it before going back for her.

"Bianca was right. You do fuss," Eris said as he lifted her down the stairs and helped her to her cabin.

"I only fuss when there is reason to. Stop being stubborn and let someone take care of you," Enzo replied. He went back to the kitchen and dug about for the large first-aid kit and some clean cloths.

"Gods can't get infections. I'm totally fine!" Eris called out.

Enzo muttered a curse under his breath before returning to her cabin. She had lowered the front of her ruined dress, and he tried to think unsexy thoughts and not stare at her purple lace bra.

"Okay. Turn a little so I can see your back," he said, and with a soft sigh of resignation, she did. "Don't make that sound at me. You're lucky I'm not insisting on taking you to a hospital for stitches."

Enzo ignored the roll of her eyes. In silence, he cleaned her wounds and used sticky temporary stitches to hold them together. "Stay here. I'll get you some water."

"Enzo? I really am okay," she whispered.

Enzo growled in frustration. "You're hurt, Eris! I don't care if you think you're okay. You bleeding is never going to be okay to me."