Page 26 of Eris

Eris didn't cook much; she just put things together. Once she had two bowls of herby chicken salad and two beers with lime wedges in the neck, she went up on deck to find her mortal.

Enzo was at the ship's wheel, studying instruments Eris had no idea about. There was a small table and chairs still set up on deck, so Eris put their dinner on that.

"You hungry?" she asked, making him look up from whatever he was doing.

"I am, but should you be up and about?" Enzo asked, his brows drawing together in concern.

Eris put her back to him and pulled her thick braid over her shoulder. "Why don't you come and see for yourself?"

She didn't need to look behind her to know the second he was standing close. He radiated a warm, calm energy she wanted to bathe in. His fingers gently brushed against her skin, making her bite the inside of her cheek.

"They are closed, but they still look tender," Enzo said.

"I'll keep the stitches on for tonight," Eris replied. "If it will make you happy."

"It will." Enzo pressed a kiss to the curve of one shoulder blade, making her breath catch. "Please try not to get hurt again, for my sake. I'm not good with blood or ichor."

"I know. I'm hurt, but you would have been dead. It was worth a few scratches," Eris replied. She turned slowly, but her hopes of kissing him were crushed by the amount of hurt and worry in his eyes. "Sit down and eat something. You'll feel better."

Enzo nodded and pulled a battered paperback from his back pocket before sitting.

"The Aeneid?" Eris guessed, taking her place opposite him.

"I wanted to see if there were any clues about where the palladium might want us to go." Enzo picked up his beer.

"Any luck?"

"Not really. It's all about Dido and their relationship and then her killing herself over him. It's just...sad," he said.

Eris swallowed her mouthful of chicken. "Unfortunately, it's a common outcome when gods mess around with mortals. Back in the old days, they used it as a form of entertainment. I have no doubt that the palladium will guide you like it did today. You went into a trance."

Enzo rubbed at his eyes. "I can't really remember it. I remember the grotto, and then there was nothing until you grabbed me again. What did I do?"

"You bathed her in the waters while chanting to ancient Mycenean," Eris replied, hoping he wasn't about to freak out on her.

Enzo only frowned into his salad and had a few more bites. "I feel like this is about too many goddesses."

"What do you mean?"

"There's your curse. There's me, which is Aphrodite's blood, and the palladium is Athena. You were all there when the Trojan War kicked off, except for Hera."

Eris nodded. "Thank the Fates we aren't dealing with Hera too. She killed herself, or otherwise, I feel like she probably would be."

"Do you think Aphrodite will show up too?" Enzo asked curiously.

"Your grandmother seems to think she is always around. Your family has probably had more contact with her than any of the gods I know," Eris replied honestly. "I thought she was dead too until I met Bianca."

"If she is still around, then why has she never come and seen us properly?"

Eris stopped eating and tried to think of the best way to explain it.

"I suppose it was for the same reason Rom stopped following his human bloodlines," she said. "He felt like he was doing more harm by interfering in their lives. Aphrodite is a very ancient and powerful deity. Probably the most powerful. You can't be around her and not have it alter you."

Enzo studied her face. "More powerful than you?"

"Yes," Eris replied without hesitation. "She was a war goddess too, back in her early days in Mesopotamia, but the love aspect is bad enough. It can break the strongest of gods and mortals alike."

"You really believe that?"