Page 9 of Snowed Under

“You’re both looking as lovely as ever.”

Emma giggles again as they stop to have a brief look at April.

“You look like you’ve got a real handle on the baby cuddles.” Ainsley says, as she tickles the baby’s face with such warmth, it’s hard to believe that she’s going through a relationship crisis as well as moving houses. Two of the most stressful things on earth, except for death and taxes, yet she still seems as calm and collected as ever.

That smile even reaches those big blue eyes and I start to think she might actually be Wonder Woman.

“Ah, it’s a piece of cake,” I say, like I’m an old pro. “And it’s like snuggling next to a hot water bottle. She’s so warm.”

Ainsley mollycoddles her, proving my theory that she’s amazing with kids, while Emma orders their coffee.

“I hear you’re moving?” Presley takes a sip of her latte as we all stand together.

Ainsley tucks a lock of curls behind her ear — which ultimately springs back again as I try not to smile. “Yes, the rest of my things should be coming this afternoon. I never realized how much stuff I had.”

At least we’re consistent.

“You should have said something,” Trav adds. “We all coulda helped.”

She waves it off with a delicate hand. “I don’t like to make a fuss. Plus, I have my mom and Emma to help me set everything up when we unpack.”

“It’s no trouble,” Presley says. “Let me know if you need anything at all. I can always rope Charli and the girls into helping, too.” By girls, she means her other two friends, Rory and Ali.

“Thanks,” Ainsley says.“Maybe over the weekend when I get sorted out a bit.”

April gurgles, then I look down at her adorable little face. She’s so darned cute and small, I never really knew how cool babies could be.

“To all the women of Silver Pines, be careful,” Trav croons next to me, slapping me on the back. “I think our friend Cole here is turning into a mother hen.”

I laugh heartily. He might not be wrong. I’ve never thought about being a dad. I mean, I just assumed some day it might happen, but I’m still young, so it hasn’t exactly been on my To Do list until I’m at least thirty.

Another little glow passes over Ainsley’s cheeks at that sentiment and she and Presley share a little giggle.

“Hey, never say never.” I shrug. “Babies are cool.”

“Let me hear you say that when she’s waking you up at all hours and demanding feeds.” Presley strokes her little cheek adoringly. “It’s all worth it, though.”

“I would say you’re never going to get any work done if you keep schmoozing the ladies here and hogging my child.” Trav reaches for his daughter and I pass her over carefully. At least she didn’t cry or spit up all over me. That’s gotta be a plus.

Pres passes me my coffee and I take a much needed swig. I have a new respect for Presley carrying her around all day because they sure get heavy after a while, even when they’re small. No wonder all these mommas have arms made of steel.

“Duty calls, then.” I give Ains and Emma a wink. “Ladies. I’ll see you later.”

“See you,” the women chime.

“I’ll be there within the hour,” Trav assures me.

With that, I high-tail it to the Town Hall where I know I need to move my ass if I have any chance of finishing the project by the end of the week. I wasn’t joking about working on the weekend. It’ll be worth it to help Ainsley.

If there’s one thing my parents drilled into me growing up, it’s that work ethic is absolutely everything. I’m faultless to a tee and I’ve never rolled up to work and done a half-assed job, hungover or otherwise.

Mid-sip of my coffee, I turn back as I get to my truck and glance back at the cafe. Ainsley isn’t looking my way. She’s talking to the girls, but that smile lights up her entire face and it makes me happy she’s not dwelling on her recent misfortune.

Or maybe she is, and she’s just good at hiding it.


The pressure is on to have the Town Hall finished by Monday afternoon, because there’s a council meeting and the town planning committee needs to finalize all the Christmas festivities. It’s almost the last week in November and the giant Christmas tree in the square is due to be put up, along with the forty-foot blow up Frosty the snowman — Trav’s personal favorite — plus the annual town light show, will all be going up the following weekend. Presley and Travis take it pretty seriously, but since Pres is a little occupied with the baby now, she’s passed the torch to Ainsley this year.