“Well, if you two ever need a night off, I’m happy to watch Rigger, Bronx, and the Bub.”
I’ve watched their animals plenty of times, and Rig, the border collie, can more or less look after himself. He’s like a human.
That sentiment prompts Travis to look at me like I’ve got two heads. “You, babysit?” he balks.
I frown. “Now, why would that be so unbelievable?”
“Have you babysat before?” he asks, as we move out of the way for the customers behind us to order while we wait for our coffee. “Cause all I’m envisioning is my baby bein’ dropped on her head.”
“Well, I haven’t exactly... I mean, I’ve helped Hank here and there with his kids.”
I hear a faint laugh from Presley. “Aren’t they seven and eight?”
“Well, yeah,” I concede. “But, hey. I’m sure the mechanics are all the same.”
“You’re gonna change a dirty diaper?” Trav snorts. “My God, this I’ve gotta see.”
I screw up my nose at the idea. But it doesn’t escape me that Trav has worked damned hard for his family and getting the house ship-shape, plus taking on more work than ever to keep the dollars rolling in. Having kids ain’t cheap, apparently. And poor Presley probably hasn’t had a break in months. I take my hat off to moms. They’ve got one hell of a job to do all day, every day.
“You know, I could just put a clip on my nose, or better yet, wear a mask.” I chuckle.
Presley laughs next to me. “You’d really do that?”
“Yeah, I mean, at least I couldn’t smell the?—”
“I mean the part about offering to babysit.”
“Oh,” I laugh. “Yeah, I mean, why not?”
“Why not!” Trav looks at his wife like she’s gone nuts. “Are we really going to trust Cole to look after our first born? No offense, bro, but if anyone is going to drop the baby, it’s you.”
I balk at the notion. “Thanks a lot for the vote of confidence. But I’ll have you know I’m excellent with kids.” The baby stirs just as I’m saying it. “I’ll prove it.” I reach my arms towards Pres in a gesture to hand her over.
She smiles and carefully peels April from her chest and passes her to me. She’s wrapped in a soft blanket.
“Put your hand under her head—” I give Trav a look as I scoop the baby in my arms, supporting her little head in thecrook of my elbow.
“See, wasn’t that hard was it, little April? You know that Uncle Cole wouldn’t drop you, but your daddy doesn’t trust me to look after you, no he doesn’t.”
Presley laughs as Trav struggles to keep a straight face. “Isn’t that how you talk to your cat?”
“Same difference.” I shrug. “And I would treat your child just as good, if not better, than the pets. And that’s saying something.”
“Well, if I can bear to tear myself away from her anytime soon, I’ll let you know,” Pres says.
“All jokes aside, thanks for the offer,” Trav says. “But you’ll have to get behind both of our folks. They’re dying to take her.”
I coo at little April, rocking her back and forth and I’m starting to think I’m a natural by the time our coffee is made. That’s when I turn and see Emma and Ainsley walking in the door, mid-rock and they both halt their conversation to look over at us.
I distinctly see Emma giggle and raise her eyebrows at Ains. I wonder what that’s all about.
“Hey, ladies.” I keep rocking April as I take a few steps over toward them, like it’s no biggie. I hold babies all the time.
“Hi!” Emma over-enthuses.
That makes me grin because I have an inkling they may have been talking about me. Then my face splits wider as I look at Ainsley’s face and see that sweet little blush that sweeps up her cheeks. Not for the first time, my heart does a little jolt.
“Hi, Cole,” she says, finally.Maybe this holding the baby thing really does attract the chicks?