Page 10 of Snowed Under

The council had their first meeting in October, as everyone around here takes the holiday traditions like vows; each committing to one activity. I have to admit, magic happens in this town and the kids love it. Even us big kids.

I helped last year and the previous years with a treasure hunt we aptly call, The Hunger Games; which is where participantsget to complete a mud map of tasks, and the first couple to finish all tasks wins donated prizes from local businesses.

Most years the prizes can be pretty phenomenal. The Silver Pines Resort, where Charli and Jake both work, always make a very sizeable cash contribution to the prize pool.

This year I will be taking part in the decoration committee, God help me.

Personally, I don’t mind the holidays so much. I mean, we don’t do the whole crazy thing at my parents’ place, since it’s just me and them and a few cousins, with my aunt and uncle usually dropping in from Jackson Hole. But there’s a feast of turkey, potatoes, biscuits and all the trimmings, and I’m totally down for that. I’m not even opposed to a round of carols by candlelight either, but I really detest Christmas shopping because it’s busy everywhere. The ski slopes here are booked out way in advance, so it’s a crazy time of year. Last year the resort was snowed in when a terrible snowstorm hit and no one could leave their houses for three days.

I hope the same doesn’t happen this year. Though you can never really predict these things, no matter what the forecast says.

They say it comes in threes, so to have a third snowstorm in a row over Christmas would just be spiteful. Though, with my new neighbor next door, maybe this year Christmas will be looking up.

I’m fooling myself if I think I even have a shot with Ainsley Parsons. She’s so far out of my league, she’s in orbit. And since she’s just broken up with what’s-his-face, I don’t want to be her rebound. No, no. Ainsley isn’t the kind of woman who you bang once and just forget about or move on from. She’s a woman with something to say. And when she talks, my ears can’t get enough. I want more. As much as I try to deny it, I know I can’t forever.

I have a crush on my hot neighbor.

But she deserves better than me, and that’s the one thing that stops me from asking her out.



Many hands make light work,or so the saying goes. Between me, Emma, her husband, Eric, my mom, and Cole, we get everything moved around my new cottage quickly.

Cole made sure all the furniture went to the right rooms, and kinda bossed the two delivery guys around. I’m not sad about it. One was a kid who couldn’t have been over seventeen, and his buddy looked like he had somewhere else better to be. Moving companies come at a price, and that price for me was convenience. Eric was helpful too, moving boxes and helping Cole until he had to get back to work.

Still. Everything is where it should be, and all I have to do now is unpack the boxes.

“Ainsley, honey, do you want me to start unpacking the kitchen things?” Mom calls from the next room.

The cottage is an older style, and it has a separate kitchen from the living and dining. I don’t mind it. It’s just me, so it’s not like I have room to be fussy. But as my things fill up the small space, I start to feel more at peace. I’ve needed this. I’ve never had my own place, and while the rent money was something to consider financially, I can afford it.For the first time in my life, I’m taking care of myself.

I also ignore the missed calls I’ve had from Drake today. He knew the moving people were coming to get my stuff. I stored most of my furniture at my mom’s place, including my bed and the matching drawers. But I took my couch from Drake’s, and the fridge and washing machine. Screw him if he thinks I’m going to be a doormat and just leave my stuff.

“That’d be great, Mom,” I holler back.

When I glance up from my phone, Cole’s staring at me. Concern laces his brow as he frowns.

He gives me a chin lift. “You good?”

I smile. “Yes. Of course. I can’t thank you enough for helping and bossing those men around.”

He chuckles. “Trust me, I know what they can be like, but you’ve got it under control.”

“Well, I owe you one.”

“I guess I’ll see you at the meeting tomorrow night?”

Why does my heart do a little flutter at his words? It’s the Christmas decorating committee meeting. Not a date. Not Cole being flirty — okay, maybe a little flirty. But this is what he does. He’s a nice guy to boot.

“I guess you will.”

He cocks his head. “Should I bring weapons?”

I frown. “Weapons?”

“To duel with whoever’s makin’ you frown.” He notions to my phone as I self consciously slide it into the back of my jeans.