As the scent of toasting bread and simmering soup fills the air, Jade starts a conversation about her latest art project. We engage in small talk as I finish cooking and serve our meal. We're halfway through eating when my phone's text ringtone plays. Jade and I stare at my phone before looking back at each other.
“Are you going to read it?” Jade asks almost frantically.
“Shit, I guess.” My voice trails off as I stand from the kitchen counter where we are eating. There's a chance it could be someone else, like my father, texting me. But I doubt it if I'm being honest. I grab my phone from the coffee table, flip it over and read the text.
Levi: Great, I'm glad it works for you. I'll see you at our usual time for chess. Looking forward to it.
“Well, he's cool with meeting at the same time we usually have our chess lessons. Now I have to mentally prepare for this conversation.”
Jade gives me an encouraging smile. “You've got this.”
I have to have this because there's no going back now.
The next day, I decide to leave my apartment early in order to get to Brewed Beginnings before Levi, giving me time to calm myself down before our conversation. It is a ridiculous thought because the closer I get to the coffee shop, the more nervous I become. The nausea I'm feeling stays at the same level until I hear the chime from the bell above the door of the coffee shop.
But as fate would have it, I manage to get there after Levi anyway. He is already seated at a small table tucked into the corner, looking as handsome as ever. My heart slams in my chest as I approach him because I have no idea how this conversation is going to go.
As if he senses I'm here, Levi's eyes lift to meet mine and he gives me a faint smile. I can’t help but notice he's tapping his fingers on the table. It makes me think that he is just as nervous as I am. Without saying anything, I sit down across from him, and we fall into an awkward silence.
I can feel his gaze on me as if he's trying to figure out how to proceed without making things more uncomfortable. Finally, he breaks the silence.
“Hey,” he says.
“Hi,” I reply, my voice barely audible, especially with all of the noises occurring around us.
We watch each other, I assume we are both trying to read the other person and figure out how not to make this even more uncomfortable.
“Did you want something to drink or eat? I can go grab it for you.”
I shake my head quickly. “Thanks, but I'm okay.”
Levi clears his throat and I know it's time to rip the Band-Aid off. “Thanks for agreeing to meet me here. After what happened at Sapphire Tavern… I wanted a chance to talk.”
“Same. I'll admit, the other night left me feeling…” I trail off, uncertain how to articulate myself.
“Overwhelmed? Uncomfortable?” Levi adds gently.
“Both of those, yes,” I agree.
Levi lets out a heavy sigh, running a hand through his hair. “Hailey, I'm really sorry about all of that, but it would be a lie if I said I don't know what came over me.”
My eyes dart to the left before focusing back on him. “So you know what came over you?”
“I got caught up in the moment. I’d had a couple of shots before leaving Wilder's place, and then when I walked into the bar and saw you there with Jade and your coworker, I was jealous.”
“But there was nothing to be jealous about. Ben is a friend and you and I aren't together.”
Levi rubs both hands over his face. “You're right. I know there's nothing official between us and I had no reason to be jealous. But at that moment, seeing you with another guy, I felt… possessive, I guess. I'm not proud of it.”
He meets my gaze once again and says, “The truth is, I really like you, Hailey. When we first met, I liked that you gave meshit, to put it mildly, and I thought you were intriguing. As we've spent more time together, I've realized how thoughtful, witty, and caring you are when you start to open up. You challenge me in ways no one else does.”
I'm stunned by Levi's honest confession. I hadn't realized he felt that strongly. I take a moment to gather my thoughts before responding.
“Thank you for saying that,” I say. “The truth is, I like you too. More than I expected. But this whole situation makes me nervous.”