Page 58 of Sidelined Love

“I get it. The attention that is on me due to hockey can be a lot.”

“Part of it is that. I'm a pretty private person and you're basically a celebrity around here. I don't want to end up being gossiped about around school. Heck, us meeting for chess lessons is probably enough to cause people to talk.”

“I would never want that either,” Levi says earnestly. “Your comfort is important to me. If this, well, whatever this is, is going to work, we need to be on the same page.”

“Well, if we want to lay everything out there, there are some other issues that are relevant to this that I think we should talk about.”

“Tell me.”

I let out a deep sigh. “My mom walked out on me and my dad when I was nine.” I wait as the surprise registers on his face. “When she left, it really messed me up, and it still affects me now. I’ve had a hard time trusting people since.”

Levi nods slowly. “That makes sense. I'm sorry she did what she did and caused you trauma that you're still trying to heal from.”

Something about the way he says that sets me on edge. “I didn't tell you that so you could pity me.”

Levi lets out a sarcastic laugh. “That's the last thing I’m feeling. I think you're stronger than even you know.”

And just like that, my irritation fades because I'm touched by Levi's words. For so long, I've felt ashamed of the hurt my mother caused, like it was my fault she left. Hearing Levi acknowledge the wrongness of her actions and recognize my strength makes me feel good.

“I appreciate you saying that. I'm still figuring things out, but the acknowledgment helps.” I suck in a deep breath. “That night at Sapphire Tavern made me realize that there is something between us, but we need to take things slowly.”

Levi nods understandingly. “Of course. We can move as slow as you want to. I don't want you to feel any pressure. Unlike the kiss I laid on you at the bar.”

“I enjoyed the kiss. Probably way more than I should have.” I give him a small smile before I continue. “But I don't really want to label this right now. Let's continue getting to know each other and see where it goes.”

“I'm good with that,” Levi agrees. “Do you still want to do a chess lesson today?”

I think about it for a moment before nodding my head. “Why don't we since we're both here anyway? I'll go grab a set.”

Levi's face lights up as I stand up, but he does the same. I raise an eyebrow at him, wondering what he is doing. “I'm going to grab a drink. Do you want something?”

If I'm being honest with myself, I'm happy he asked. I couldn't imagine eating or drinking anything when I first walked in here, but now I could use something. “A chai latte would be great.”

“Coming up.”

Levi and I go our separate ways and I beat him back to our table. I take my time setting up the chessboard, and by the time Levi comes back, he has two drinks and a small paper bag.

“What did you get to eat?” I ask him, trying to keep things casual.

“Two brownies for us to split.”

My eyes widen. “How did you know I like brownies?”

“I saw you eating one when we had our first lesson. Thought we could use a sweet treat after what we talked about.”

I like the way he thinks. I smile at Levi's thoughtfulness as I take a sip of the chai latte he brought me. The warmth and sweetness hits the right spot, and I'm the happiest I've been in days.

We settle in across from each other at the small table, the chessboard between us. For a moment, neither of us makes a move, both seemingly lost in our own thoughts.

“I'm glad we talked,” Levi says, breaking the silence once more. “I know it wasn't easy.”

I nod. “It was needed though. I feel better having been open about how I'm feeling.”

“Me too,” he agrees. He studies the chess pieces before he speaks again. “I meant what I said about taking things slowly. I care about you, Hailey, and I don't want to mess this up.”

“Alright, let's focus on chess now,” I say, redirecting our conversation to the familiar territory of strategy and competition.

I take a deep breath and make the first move, moving my queen's pawn forward two spaces. Levi responds by also shifting his queen's pawn, mirroring my action. As the game progresses, I walk him through various strategies, emphasizing the importance of developing pieces in the early game. He listens attentively, nodding as I explain each concept.