All I know is that I woke up one day, and I realize I no longer know who I am.
Help me, God.
Please help me.
I don't even know how to articulate what I'm feeling.
All I know is something's wrong.
And Giancarlo, of all people, is the only one to notice this, too.
"I'd like to have a moment with myfidanzata, per favore."
The words make me pale.
What's happening?
Giancarlo has never been the type to draw undue attention like this, with the wholefamigliaabout to have dinner when he makes his request.
La Stregaraises a brow at us. "Is everything okay?"
"I have to leave early for my trip tomorrow." Giancarlo takes my hand as he speaks, and all I can do is follow his lead. To disobey him in full view of everyone will only invite more questions I just don't have the energy to answer.
Giancarlo glances at me as he leads me down the hallway.
He seems to want to say something.
But I'm just so, so tired, I can't even make myself care.
We enter his office, and he gestures to the couch. "Take a seat, Sarica."
I do as he asks, but this only makes his jaw clench.
Why is he so angry?
"I'll be leaving for Moskra tomorrow."
"I know."
His lips tighten, but it's just too much effort to understand where all this anger is coming from.
"Is that all?"
"No, it's not all," he bites out. "What's gotten into you, Sarica?"
I don't want to tell him anything, but I don't want to lie either.
God, I'm so, so tired.
"Say something."
I wish I could.
I really do.
And maybe that's why I find myself starting to cry.