"Dio, Sarica..."
Giancarlo sinks to his knees in front of me, and all I can do is cry harder.
"Tell me what's wrong.Please. I want to help you—-"
"Then let me go," I choke out.
His face whitens."Per che?" Why?
"Just please—-"
"You know I cannot do that," he says tightly. "So just tell me—-"
"I heard you, Giancarlo. Ih-heardyou loud and clear two years ago...when you told your grandmother you regret asking to marry me—-"
"Dio—-no, Sarica, no."
A cry rips out of my throat the moment he tries to reach for me.
"P-Please don't touch me."
I back away from him, and Giancarlo slowly rises to his feet.
"It's not what you think—-"
"Please just stop," I whisper. "Because I k-know what I h-heard, and I just want to stop hurting. I'm s-so tired of being hurt, and I j-just want it to stop."
Help me, please.
I walk out of the room.
And this time, Giancarlo makes no move to stop me.
I'M JUST TIRED. SO, so tired.
I feel like I'm about to explode and break at any moment. I don't even know where I'm driving until gates in front of me automatically open, and I realize I'm about to drop unannounced on Maryse's home, just like always.
The staff lets me in, and Maryse and her husband are already waiting for me in the living room. The expressions on their faces speak volumes.
"Giancarlo called you," I say.
"He did."
Tom is the one who answers, and I nod.
Men stick together, right?
Maryse's husband excuses himself, and it's just like old times again.
I'm alone with the former Angel of Death, and I'm broken once more.
"How bad is it?"