Page 67 of Wild Bliss

“You okay?” Nate asked. “It had to be pretty rough forsomeone to call me out.”

“It was touch and go. Wyatt lost his shit when one of themput hands on Sabrina,” Sawyer admitted. It was odd, but he didn’t feel thedesperate need to clam up around the sheriff. It was kind of nice to have himhere.

“Is this why he stood her up tonight?” Nate asked, keepinghis voice low. “He worried?”

“Beyond worried, but I don’t think Sabrina is going to takeno for an answer,” he replied as the door opened and Wyatt drug the last of hisbrother’s men out by his collar.

Wyatt stopped when he caught sight of the sheriff. “Sorry.Sabrina told me I had to finish the job. I suppose she’ll be satisfied if Igive this jerk up to you. He was hiding in one of the stalls, and I’m prettysure he peed himself. So much for the horrible Horde.”

“You have no idea what’s coming for you,” the assholesnarled. “Wayne is going to show you who’s the boss. He’ll take you all down.”

Elisa stopped, staring at the man Wyatt shoved toward thesheriff. “That sounded like a threat.”

“It did indeed,” the sheriff agreed. “I couldn’t tell,Deputy Leal, if he was talking about us or someone else.”

“Oh, it totally felt like us,” Elisa replied. “He wasdefinitely letting the sheriff’s department know his group is going to targetus. Probably was talking about the whole town.”

As Elisa started to put cuffs on the guy, he frowned thesheriff’s way. “This bar ain’t on incorporated land. We checked. No oneprotects these assholes. They’re on their own. This arrest ain’t legal.”

Wayne needed to train his men better. “Did you think this isthe Wild West? Of course I can call the sheriff and have you arrested forassault.”

“Then why ain’t he arresting Wyatt? No one laid a hand onanyone until Wyatt went wild,” the man replied as one of his friends began togroan.

Wyatt’s hands were suddenly in his pockets, his eyes on thefloor.

“Oh, I assure you I had hands laid on me, and Wyatt wasmerely attempting to protect me,” Sabrina announced, joining him and threadingher arm through Wyatt’s. “I can assure you Wyatt had no intentions of violenceuntil they threatened to do terrible things to me.”

The sheriff finished hauling up Doug, who was stilltwitching. “And what was Sawyer doing?”

“Oh, he was attempting to get me to safety while Wyatt dealtwith the threat,” Sabrina replied. “He didn’t understand how competent I am atdefending myself.” Her head turned until she had him in her sights. Her lipscurled into the meanest fucking smile. “He knows now.”

His cock tightened at the thought of how he was going tohandle her. “I do. I know now exactly how strong you are, Sabrina. I also knowyou don’t follow directions well, which we’re going to talk about.”

Elisa’s eyes went wide, but she never took a hand off herprisoner. “Uh, should I hang around? I could get Cam to come in for a while.”

“Why would you?” Sabrina didn’t seem to notice how stiffWyatt was. She cuddled closer to him. “I assure you I can handle anythingSawyer wants to do…discuss with me.”

“Sure,” the sheriff said with a knowing smile. “Leal, Ithink your sister knows what she’s gotten herself into, and I suspect she’sgoing to need some alone time to deal with the situation. Sawyer, I advise youto shut down for the night and come by the station tomorrow so I can take somestatements.”

“I’m not pressing charges,” Wyatt said and moved away fromSabrina suddenly.

“I am,” Sabrina announced.

“Damn it,” Wyatt said, turning to her.

The sheriff was right. They needed to deal with this alone.“We’ll come by in the morning, and we’re shutting down for the night. Thankyou, Sheriff.”

He sent Sabrina a stare he hoped got his point across. Sheneeded to keep quiet until they were alone.

She simply gave him a serene smile before turning to thesheriff. “Yes, thank you so much, and Elisa, I’m fine. I think Wyatt and I havethings to talk about.”

“I’m not worried about Wyatt,” her sister explained. “ButSawyer’s got a certain look in his eyes.”

Sabrina strode over to the bar and picked up a bottle oftequila. “His eyes are going to be the only thing he uses on me unless we cometo another arrangement. What do you say, Sawyer? Are you going to lecture me?Give me a whole bunch of words like you’re my daddy?”

“It won’t be words, baby,” he nearly snarled but onlybecause she was pushing his every fucking button.

“Ooookay.” Elisa nodded. “’Night then. See you tomorrow.”