Sabrina was going to drive him utterly mad.
“Did I hurt you?” Wyatt stood feet away from her, his handsclenched in fists as though he didn’t trust himself not to touch her.
Sawyer was starting to think Wyatt wouldn’t have a choice.Sabrina seemed to have decided what she wanted, and she was proving herself tobe a woman who didn’t change her mind.
“Of course not,” Sabrina said, her tone going soft. “Youwould never hurt me.” She frowned suddenly. “Well, not physically. We’re goingto talk about how much words hurt later on tonight, but I do believe thesheriff is here so you should ensure the last criminal doesn’t get away.Sheriff Wright will take them to jail, and then we’re going to have a longtalk.”
“You should leave,” Wyatt said, his eyes not quite meetinghers.
“I’m not leaving.” She set all her guns on the table closestto her. She got into Wyatt’s space, forcing him to look her in the eyes. “Ifyou’re going to break my heart, you do it in person, and you better make mebelieve, Wyatt, because I’m not being left behind because you’re afraid of whatyour brother might do to me. You need to hear me. If you are doing this toprotect me, don’t. I might decide your brother is between me and what I want,and I’ll find a way to go after him.”
“Sabrina.” Wyatt’s eyes had gone wide. “You can’t.”
“Watch me.” She went on her toes and brushed a kiss over hischeek. “Now go and make sure that asshole isn’t getting away.”
Wyatt turned and walked back toward the bathroom.
“Boss? Is everything okay?” Lark and Gil stood in the hallleading to the office. “I got scared and called the sheriff. I’m…”
“Don’t say you’re sorry.” Sabrina was absolutely thebossiest thing he’d ever seen. She walked right up to Lark and put a hand onher shoulder. “You did the right thing. I know Sawyer is reluctant to deal withthe authorities because he thinks it makes him look hot being a bad boy, butthere is certainly a time and a place to call the sheriff, and this isdefinitely one of those times.”
“I do not.” What the hell was she talking about?
She turned slightly to look back at him, her lips curlingup. “Well, then you must be afraid of the sheriff.”
“I fucking am not.” Why were they discussing this? They hadhalf dead bodies all around them and a world of hurt coming and she was pokinghim.
So fucking mean.
Wyatt got a kiss. He hadn’t gotten a kiss.
“Then it’s the other,” Sabrina said with a shrug as shemoved closer to him. “The point being you’re not going to be mad at the younglady who made the reasonable choice to call in the sheriff.”
Who was here. Sheriff Wright strode in, his gun up andready, followed by Elisa Leal, who matched his energy.
“Hey, sis, we’re all good,” Sabrina said like she wasinviting her friends over for tea and not to clean up a bunch of bodies.
Wright’s gaze moved around the bar. “You do this damage,Sawyer?”
“He certainly did not,” Sabrina said primly. “Wyatt had areasonable reaction to a gentleman insinuating I take cash for my favors, andthen I took out those two with my personal stun gun, and Wyatt is dealing withthe last one in the men’s room, I believe.”
The sheriff got on his radio. “Gemma, could you call EMS?We’re going to need Ty to look over some of these guys. Have Doc come out, too.One of these dude’s has what looks like an ostrich egg on his noggin, andapparently there was some electrical play going on.”
Sabrina’s sister looked her up and down, proving the Lealwomen handled a crisis with cool precision. “That’s not even your sluttiestoutfit. You can look way more whorelike. The stun gun worked well, huh? Thisone is still twitching. I told you it was a good investment.”
“I didn’t get to use the bear spray, though.” Sabrinasounded deeply disappointed.
He was going to have to go through her bag since it seemedto be full of weapons.
But the best weapon she had was her sassy mouth because hewas pretty sure at this point she could handle his shit. Probably better thanany woman he’d ever met.
It was a temptation he might not be able to avoid.
Although she was going to get a full dose of him tonight,and it might be enough to send her running.
“Hey, how much trouble are we looking at?” Nate kept hisvoice down as Elisa started securing the prisoners.
He’d expected Nate to take him in, too, but the sheriffseemed to not need much of an explanation. There was also something about theway the man used the word “we” that eased some of Sawyer’s anxiety. “Theydidn’t get what they wanted, and Wyatt’s insulted them. His brother willreact.”